
Sleaze Ball

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
September 1, 2010, 19:18

Sleaze Ball…….oh the memories…….I think my last one must have been the late 90’s.

Joined in 2008
September 2, 2010, 21:39

:quest: Not quite sure Pierre where the name came from but I suspect it’s part of the whole “let’s be out there and different and extreme and in your face” kind of thing – we’re bad , kind of stuff. Not so fond of the title myself, I have to admit but am looking forward to getting dressed up and dancing and being involved in the spectacle of it all. 😉 Gonna come too?

Thanks for the offer but I might save my energy for the freedom2b[e] social event coming up … should be faaaaaabulous … as usual :bigsmile:

Joined in 2010
September 3, 2010, 22:23

Wish I could be there for it but sadly I’m away. I travel all the time due to my job and so end up missing a lot of the events. But…am hoping to get to another one some time in the not too distant future!

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