
Straight folks, among our best friends and allies!

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Blaine William Andrews
Joined in 2012
July 23, 2012, 00:01

In the almost 29 years since my young lover/boyfriend, and good friend took his own life (Bobby Griffith/Prayers for Bobby) , I began to observe what "Sociologists" early on, and later "Historians" began "Weighing In" on as a great "Paradigm Shift" in overall "Societal" attitudes regarding the rights and "Prerogatives" as well as the very "Humanity" or "Humanization" if you will, of LGBTQ People! This "Process" didn't occur over night, could be observed from numerous Quarters, "Activism" and the traditional "MSM'" the Old "Fourth Estate" have played a "Pivotal Role" the entire time! But the overwhelming beneficiaries of theses shifts in attitudes regarding LGBTQ People, have been Straight folks! They've all had over three decades to cut through the "Demonizing, Demagoguery, Slander etc", you name it! Straight folks now see LGBTQ People, as their brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers, cousins, children, neighbors, I could go on but you must get my point by now! This is something I work hard to demonstrate, in an effort to gently persuade my "Gayby" brothers and sisters, who have often been deeply wounded, to try and set aside those grievances, real or perceived against Straight folks! Who will always be in the vast majority of any Society, and have I believe, become among our greatest friends and allies!

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
July 23, 2012, 07:30

Hi Blaine William Andrews

Welcome to f2b and thanks for your post. 🙂

Yes we are fortunate indeed to have many straight friends and supporters here. And for those who don't support us, we know that everyone is on a journey, and that by us being loving toward others rather than antagonistic, we are all in a better place of moving toward understanding and unity rather than maintaining ignorance and fear. 🙂


Ann Maree

Chapter Leader
Joined in 2008
July 23, 2012, 23:06

Yep, Blain – we ALL need to understand the power of forgiveness. There's plenty of evidence of the pyschological harm caused by hanging onto bitterness and blame.

Chapter Leader
Joined in 2008
July 23, 2012, 23:14

Oops – sorry Blaine .. dropped the 'e' off your name. By the way, welcome to the Forum – how did you hear about us?

Joined in 2009
July 25, 2012, 07:00

so right – time to move on from the woe is me syndrome and see the good around us, sure there is plenty of bad but there is heaps of good.

Alan Le May
Joined in 2013
February 27, 2013, 11:08

I have just joined Freedon2b at the encouragement of my gay friends.Despite being a hetero sexual male I have had my own "coming out experience". Having served for 15 years as a minister of religion with a fundamentalist, evangelical church movement my evolving theology reached a critical point several years ago resulting in my resignation from ministry. It was like a "coming out" experience because my liberal, progressive faith was in stark contrast to that of my closest peers and many of my friends and their rejection was something that I feared. My new found enthusiasm for faith also recognised that gay people are legitimate participants in christian faith and that the church needs to move forward in their understanding and change the way that they relate to gay people.

The experience I had as a facilitator of church based repairative programs for gay people has stirred and informed my current commitment to be an advocate for gay people. The programs don't work and cause harm. For me the only value in the programs I facilitated was the opportunity I had to meet, understand and befriend gay people. I am grateful to each and every gay person who opened up their life to me during those years, the experience changed me, I am a better person for it.

Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
February 27, 2013, 11:54

Hi Alan,

Welcome to F2B. Great to have more straight folks on the site supporting the LGBTI community :)This is a great forum and a great bunch of people. I encourage you to go to a F2B meeting if you can. They are a friendly bunch of people, very welcoming and accepting. It's great to be able to meet some of the people on the forum face to face.

As a straight support too, my son is gay. Can I encourage you to write your story under the "Straight Friends, Family and Supporters" section too on this forum, so people can see it more and respond and get to know you a bit better.

As you read the stories on this site, I'm sure you will be encouraged, moved, motivated and in awe of the amazing courageous people on this site 🙂

It's great to have more advocates for the LGBTI community 🙂

God Bless

Joined in 2008
March 1, 2013, 00:22

Hi Blaine

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us 🙂

Prayers for Bobby is such a powerful movie and has no doubt helped thousands of gay and straight people and I believe built some bridges especially within families. We are gratetful for our straight supporters! They can give hope and healing without even realizing sometimes.

In warmth


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