
Straight marriage

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Joined in 2009
May 20, 2009, 19:00

And when they get to the “if anyone knows any reason why these two can not be lawfully joined together”, and some jerk up the back yells something about his understanding of Leviticus, I want to wave a copy of the new, modified Marriage Act at him and say “THAT’S the law”. 😯 😆

Yeah – I’ve got to admit Orfeo I would love to be able to do that as well. I suppose I am just coping with how things are, rather than thriving…

Joined in 2009
May 20, 2009, 19:01

Hmmm!!!! pretending to be the other gender for a day 😯 dont you think the Priest will wonder why the brides hands are hairy? or if its a Bear man, why the facial hair? 😯 then again if its done in a greek orthadox church no-one would be the wiser 😉

(no offence intended to any greeks 🙁 😳

Mags – you are hysterical! I can’t stop laughing…

Joined in 2006
May 20, 2009, 19:22

😳 😆 😆 8)

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
May 27, 2009, 00:15

one thing I find incredibly facscinating is that today many gay and lesbian couples seem to want what many heterosexual no longer want…….marriage and kids. ❓

Joined in 2008
May 28, 2009, 17:01

one thing I find incredibly facscinating is that today many gay and lesbian couples seem to want what many heterosexual no longer want…….marriage and kids. ❓

Could this be a part of us that seeks acceptance and/or commitment in the wider society where marriage and kids are held up to be “the norm” ❓ I think this topic came out previously in another thread 8)

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
May 28, 2009, 17:21

yes….and possibly gays and lesbians realising how normal they are…..and acknowledging their inherent feelings to father and mother children. No longer believing what we have been told for years…..that we were somehow incapable of love…..we were too perverted.

Another possible factor is the number of gay men and lesbians who have parented children from previous heterosexual marriages…..and they became positive role models.

never thought of those things before this thread came up

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