
The day my world fell apart - JD - 32 M

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
September 12, 2012, 21:32

mostly we all shift…..we dont stay the same…and I say this to my LGBT tribe and it is true for family and friends……we all shift…..albeit slowly and over many years.

My LGBT family…..we shift too…..hopefully for the better.

Joined in 2008
September 19, 2012, 11:32

I totally agree with you AVB! People do shift.

One of my sisters forced me to come out to my parents and then took the high moral ground by stopping all communication with me for a couple of years.

I am now in regular contact with her and am supporting her through a very difficult personal battle. I believe that our relationship was resurrected because she saw me living a truely happy life and could do nothing but question her original motives!

Time can change people 🙂

Warm regards


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