
The Family now knows

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Joined in 2014
July 18, 2014, 17:12

Great news, Russell.

Joined in 2014
July 22, 2014, 15:24

More Fantastic News

I finally had an opportunity to meet up with my best friend on Sunday afternoon (we have known each other for 20 years, since we were 3 years old)

During our brief catch up (1.5 hour chat in a local food court) I told him about my discovery of my sexuality.

As he has known me for years he has been aware of my previously held stance on relationships and 'not being in a position to support a relationship, so not looking'. Because of this awareness he could understand how my discovery came through Hindsight.

His reaction was what I believe mine would have been had our places been reversed. We both share the view that if something does not affect us directly or is outside our control, we can just accept it for what it is. And my sexual orientation is just that 'my sexual orientation', therefore he is accepting and basically our friendship continues as normal.

The only change I can foresee is a likely eventual change of pro-nouns used, say if I have a 'boyfriend' or a 'husband'. (c'mon Australia you can do it, it is both very strange/foreign and also pleasant how normal saying 'boyfriend & Husband' is in describing my future relationships)

All in all his reaction was very positive, be it seemingly a completely unobservable reaction (to anyone watching or listening it would have seemed like we were discussing the pros & cons of different computer hardware, except slightly less animated (we are nerds and we are passionate about technology))

Reflecting on my feelings over his reaction afterwards words cant adequately describe the Relief and supreme Joy I feel. Even now 2 days later I feel so free and happy with who I am that no future negative reactions can influence me.

Even if every other person I 'come out' to from now on completely rejects me, I will still know my Best friend accepts me for who I am, My Parents accept me (not certain on all my siblings views yet), and God still Loves me Unconditionally.

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

Romans 8:31

While I finish typing this I have the biggest grin on my face that I have had in a very long time.

'God is Good, All the Time'

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
July 28, 2014, 15:20

Hi Russell. This is wonderful news too! 🙂

I am really happy for you and thank you for updating us.


Ann Maree

Sophia Chokhmah
Joined in 2011
July 31, 2014, 12:51

Wow, so encouraging! You are a very good writer too. Maybe one day you'll write your biography 🙂

Joined in 2014
August 1, 2014, 10:16

Wow, so encouraging! You are a very good writer too. Maybe one day you'll write your biography 🙂

Thankyou very much.

My current style of writing is very much based of having to write in a very legalistic manner from my time in the Army, many times I had to formally document events that took place and how they related to breaches in Military Policy (Mostly in an attempt to try and look after myself, because the Army certainly wasn't try to very well) As a result I tend to steer towards being very considered in what I write, trying to avoid the potential for it to be misinterpreted apart from how I intended it to be.

As far as the potential to write my Biography in the future, that is a distinct possibility. There are many Chapters still to come before that would likely happen. I have many goals and dreams yet to be achieved and God has many more big plans yet for my life.

Chapter Leader
Joined in 2006
August 2, 2014, 17:51

It's great reading your updates Russell and so positive. Thank you so continuing to share your journey with us. I'm sure that it will give many who read your story real encouragement and courage to step out. Hope to see you at the next Melb meeting,…:)

Joined in 2011
August 4, 2014, 12:31

You are demonstrating a lot of courage in your coming out process Russell. You are wise to begin with someone that you know will be supportive. You will discern who next to talk to.

You are on a courageous journey of honesty and this will help you to find your way in the future


Sophia Chokhmah
Joined in 2011
August 4, 2014, 21:06

Well you are certainly off to a good start in writing your book 🙂

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