
The Yogyakarta Principles

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Joined in 2008
April 5, 2009, 14:27

The following is an excellent United Nations sponsored website that I came across recently. Possibly useful for those wanting research material on the broader human rights or social contexts of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Click on the left hand side for a list of the principles once you have chosen the language;

Principle 18 is particularly relevant to the current debate about ex-gay programs;

No person may be forced to undergo any form of medical or psychological treatment, procedure, testing, or be confined to a medical facility, based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Notwithstanding any classifications to the contrary, a person’s sexual orientation and gender identity are not, in and of themselves, medical conditions and are not to be treated, cured or suppressed.

Joined in 2008
April 5, 2009, 22:24

I’ve always found human rights to be fascinating… I’m kind of an activist at heart and no matter what I end up doing, I know I want to be involved in activism somehow, so reading through this is encouraging to that side of me. Hopefully this will get passed… I skimmed through it, didn’t have time to read it all the way through but I might later… they really made sure to cover all the bases didn’t they? (Although with the gay community, people make up new classifications all the time it seems, so maybe they didn’t. Who knows, hehe.)

Joined in 2008
April 7, 2009, 20:53

Yes, human rights is a fascinating topic of interest. My involvement in this area goes back some 20 years ago when I was involved in equal opportunities at the student union of the university I was studying at 😆 I was quite an activist back then too (and still am 😉 ) It’s become very much a hot topic of discussion, particularly in developing countries.

You might also note that the UN recently called for the death penalty to be abolished for homosexuality in member states that still punish consenting adults in this way.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
April 8, 2009, 10:02

i didn’t know that about you mobileguy…..what else is there in your past we dont know about.

Joined in 2008
April 8, 2009, 20:19

i didn’t know that about you mobileguy…..what else is there in your past we dont know about.

😆 I have no secrets to hide 😆

I’m very much a person who takes a genuine interest in the welfare of others. Probably more so now since coming out as I appreciate the real need for advocacy in these areas. The one word that stands out in my mind when talking about human rights is DIGNITY. Everyone is entitled to a level of dignity in their lives 😀

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
April 8, 2009, 20:58

interesting…..Dignity is a word that appeared in the revised statement on homosexuality by the Assemblies of God after I had a meeting with them.

Joined in 2008
April 10, 2009, 10:28

There is a report entitled Freedom Respect Equality Dignity: Action – NGO Submission to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights – Australia published last year that refers to several sexual orientation and gender identity issues. The report also mentions the issue which led to the reversal of 58 federal laws discriminating against same-sex couples, arising out of another report by the Australian Human Rights Commission.

It should also be noted that Australia remains the only developed nation without comprehensive constitutional or legislative protection of basic human rights at a federal level.

There is also a National Human Rights Consultation taking place around the country at the moment. The website for further information is below;

Check out the public submissions available under the heading “Sexuality discrimination” that are relevant to our community. Interesting reading.

Joined in 2006
April 11, 2009, 09:40

Hmmm very interesting, youre an awesome wealth of knowledge on this Mobileguy and prob. other things we havent discovered yet 😉 cool!

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