
Truly amazing!

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Joined in 2008
February 9, 2012, 22:57

Do you know how amazing you are? I just wanted to express to each and every one of you how much you are appreciated within freedom2b! It's hard to realize, especially in the midst of turmoil, how you can touch and enrich another persons life and speak words of comfort to them even though you may not feel like you are doing anything special. Your story is YOUR story! It is unique just as you are. We can identify with others pain, joy and triumphs but know that you are special because of who you are.

Just some thoughts…

Be kind to yourselves 🙂


Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
February 11, 2012, 10:36

Well said Michelle, I hope you are coming up to the Mardi Gras, would be lovely to meet you.

God Bless

Youth Coordinator
Joined in 2008
February 11, 2012, 11:28

Thanks Michelle!

Just the encouragement I needed. 😉

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
February 12, 2012, 16:03

Thanks Michelle! You're pretty amazing yourself! 🙂


Ann Maree

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