
Uniting Church Assembly

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Joined in 2012
July 25, 2012, 05:34

Hey all.

Gosh, sorry I haven’t been around the past little while. This forum doesn’t like Chrome I’m pretty sure? It won’t let me log in while I use Chrome and I’ve only just now thought to try Firefox. Which is absurd, but that’s what happened. (Hey it works with Firefox who would have thought!)

While I’ve been away I made a video about the things that happened during the Uniting Church National Triennial Assembly – at least, what I could glean because I didn’t go and I live in Scotland right now. (Find it here: I thought some of you’d be interested in seeing it though, because I talk about Christianity and sexuality a bit. There’s been a good discussion happening in the comments too.

Out of interest, did anyone here actually attend the Assembly? What was it like? What happened? The Assembly website is a bit sparse on information, which is a bit of a shame!

Joined in 2011
July 25, 2012, 07:40

really liked your video heycrunchking.

as a relative newbie to the uniting church – it was a great synopsis – and I appreciated your perspectives.

Thanks – I look fwd to looking up a few more of your vblogs.

Sarab 🙂

Joined in 2009
July 25, 2012, 23:54

Quote from HeyCrunchKing on July 25, 2012, 5:34 am

Gosh, sorry I haven't been around the past little while. This forum doesn't like Chrome I'm pretty sure? It won't let me log in while I use Chrome and I've only just now thought to try Firefox. Which is absurd, but that's what happened. (Hey it works with Firefox who would have thought!)

It's a problem I haven't had a chance to look in to thoroughly enough yet, but the site is not fussed over your browser. The problem is cookie related. The solution is to just clear your cookies. Changing browser works because it gets all new cookies.

Sophia Chokhmah
Joined in 2011
July 26, 2012, 07:44

No problems with Chrome here 🙂 My OS is Win 7.

Joined in 2005
July 28, 2012, 20:45

Hey there

This post is done using Chrome here also – and windows 7

If u want to PM me with you platform (chrome version, OS etc) we can try to work out what the problem is – but it should work just fine on Chrome.


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