
US Evangelical Lutherans elect first openly gay bishop

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Joined in 2005
June 2, 2013, 09:36

With Bishop Gene Robinson's visit to Australia currently – the Evangelical Lutheran Church has elected its first Openly Gay (and Partnered) Bishop.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has elected the Reverend R Guy Erwin to be its first ever openly gay bishop

In 2009 the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America decided that people who are in ‘publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous same-gender relationships’ were acceptable for ordination – though Evangelical Lutheran congregations that do not wish to ordain LGBT clergy are not required to.

Despite that over 600 congregations split from the Evangelical Lutheran Church over the decision.

Evangelical Lutheranism is the largest Lutheran denomination in the United States with over 4 million baptized members and is the seventh largest religious denomination in the United States.

Most Lutheran churches in Western Europe and Scandinavia already allow LGBT clergy.

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