
Watched "Fish Out of Water" with my parents

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Joined in 2011
April 14, 2014, 08:46

Hi there! I borrowed the DVD from Melbourne Feedom group. I'm in Qld at the moment visiting family & old school friends. Just came out to my family a few weeks ago. I'm glad I did & was quite uneventful really. My parents trust my faith.

But sitting down to watch this was interesting. They didn't say much & I guess I didn't have expectations really. Just hope that they will slowly come to see that who I am is nothing to be afraid of. And that gay Christians do exist.

It was also just as much for me to watch & keep learning about what my beliefs actually are.

Even though I'm free now & not hiding, part of me is still unsure of gay marriage. It seems that it wasn't my family's reaction to me that worries me the most (i've already been hurt & rejected by my church friends) – I still worry about my salvation. ME personally. Not anyone else. I'm not wanting to judge anyone & I can't. But I need to be responsible for MY life.

Joined in 2011
April 14, 2014, 08:51

If anything I'm.glad I'm at least starting to have a relationship with God again. And I feel heaps better about that. I needed to come to Him in my own time.

AND make the choice for myself. I've been submitting to others for a long time so listening to others advice recently has been hard to do. Hope I am making sense. Trusting other Christians again has been difficult. But I feel I need to work on that because relationships are important. I'll get there.

Thanks for listening

Joined in 2011
April 14, 2014, 16:30

Don't worry about what other Christians have to say. Just trust in God who loves you with unconditional and unending love, who claims you as a beloved child. With this kind of God you have nothing to fear about your salvation. God would never reject a person made in God's image who trusts in the grace and mercy of God.


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