
What does the word Communion mean for you?

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Joined in 2008
January 31, 2010, 10:23

This topic was inspired by a post I entered in another thread.

What does the word Communion mean for you?

How do we define “Communion”? How SHOULD we define it? How does it affect our LGBT community?

Let us know what YOU think 😉

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
January 31, 2010, 17:48

To me, communion involves 2 or more coming together in a spirit of unity. It’s also about listening to each other and developing a real and honest intimacy, abiding with both the good and the not so good and supporting each other to become more whole.

Joined in 2009
January 31, 2010, 21:53

Well apart from a UFO movie by the same name I saw a long time ago (lol) and the christian theological symbolism of the bread and wine, communion to me is about is about 2 or more people sharing what they have and finding a connection in that communion. Thats why the bread and wine are excellent symbols cos they represent sharing at the most basic level – food and therefore shelter – shelter because it is associated with food as food is commonly eaten in a safe place.

Meals have a huge significance in many cultures and religions, culturally its the first thing that is shared physically – and a meal a very significant symbol in religion and spirituality

But for me Its like people can experience communion in sharing their lives with another person/s at various different levels – beyond food and shelter. That to me is the most important part of communion its finding connection with one another. Something that transcends the physical plane and forges the connection that we all have on a deeper more meaningful level.

I am reminded of a song by the Fisherfolk – a band within an order of monks back in the 80’s (maybe earlier) – I cant remmber the title but one of the verses goes like this:

Let us open up ourselves to one another,

With out fear of being hurt or turned away.

For we need to confess our weakenesses,

To be covered by our brothers love,

To be real and learn our true identity.

Thats communion imho and just to clarify – I dont support the kind of thing that Promise Keepers and similar crowds do – I mean with close friends you can trust to respect confidentiality and and thus be real with. Notice the verse does not talk of sin – it talks of weaknesses – this puts a totally different spin on it all. No guilt, we all have weaknesses its part of the condition of being human. We have too much pressure to be things we cannot be. If we cant be real we are holding back who we really are. We all know what a relief it is to be out and to be real and not have to hide. This is what we want to achieve on a daily level. We have too much stuff that we let get in the way. I am not saying we need to walk around totally transparent and blurt out all the time but by the same token our culture and religion can stop us from being who we really are.

We have a long way to go in terms of learning our true identity – this is for the LGBT community or otherwise. Cos its about people and regaining our humanity and not being divided by so many things – especially religion. If we were heard and covered by one anothers love it would go a long way to healing the rift between the great divides like between queer and straight, deaf and hearing, religious and non-religious and none more so applicable than the rift between queer and religion.

Ok I will get off my soapbox now *grins*

Joined in 2008
January 31, 2010, 23:36

Yes indeed, it is all about unity, intimacy, sharing, and of course, the symbolism of the eucharist. For me, I’m reminded of the makeup of the word Communion ie common and union, and the fact that we here on the forum have a “common union” of different people from all walks of life who generally identify as christian and/or gay. I also think of other examples of a common goal or purpose, a shared sense of togetherness, and an interwoven bond between a group of people such as the Commonwealth. When I think of a common union, another example that comes to mind is marriage, and of course, the common union between God and individuals through His Spirit.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
January 31, 2010, 23:41

Hi mobileguy

This is a great topic. Thanks for thinking of it. 🙂

I also think of the word ‘community’. So for me communion is made up of community + unity.

Joined in 2008
February 2, 2010, 21:09

Yep, community is vitally important in all aspects of society, whether it be in a religious context or in a group such as ours. We need community to survive, amongst other things as well. For us, I think it’s all about sharing common values and being united in our efforts to bring down the walls of ignorance about sexual orientation.

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