
Why Does the Bible Mention Unicorns? *Interesting video*

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Joined in 2012
December 6, 2012, 10:04

So I've been really interested in finding answers for some of life's most difficult questions, and one thing I always wondered was 'where do unicorns fit into the bible and why does it mention them?'. In this day and age, unicorns are considered mythical beasts that are flying horses with a gigantic horn on their head. Sounds a bit odd doesn't it?

I came across this video today which makes perfect sense. I think it's important to go as far back as humanly possible to find the truth, and one thing I've discovered with the research I've been doing into the bible lately, is that for pretty much all of the bible, it must be translated with hebrew, latin and greek to find the original meaning of the words.

Let me know what you think anyway:

The next question is… where do dinosaurs fit into the bible? Because there's this argument that is going on that the Earth is 6000-7000 years old, and then there's people saying dinosaur bones are millions / billions of years old, and there's also the mayans and the calendar of the 13 baktuns or whatever which talk about the first one starting millions of years ago, and the calendar ending on december 21st, 2012. So that is a really interesting question to ask next!

Edit: Found another interesting vid by NathanH83 on the genealogy of Christ:

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