
Why people believe weird things

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Danny B
Joined in 2011
December 5, 2012, 13:37

I read this really interesting psych blog on why people believe strange things. Interestingly (and probably for good reason) it never mentions anything about religion or spiritual belief. But I read the article in the context of religious belief and it rang true to me. I would be keen to hear what others think on this topic.

the link is here!

Joined in 2012
December 5, 2012, 15:52


Interesting blog and, I think, well thought. However, I think that we need to define what we understand by "weird". For some, an idea may seem to be weird wheras for others, it is perfectly normal. We need to appreciate what others are thinking about and why it is that they are thinking in this way – background and education. What appears to be OK for me due to the way in which I have been brought up may appear to be weird to others. It is the same for religious belief. If I grow up in a Church where, for example, no one raises their arms during worship, I will find it "weird" if I attend a Church that does. Not that it is heretical or bad in itself but I am simply not used to it.

Just my observation on this topic.

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