
22 y.o. ex-AOG-churchie recently out to family and friends!!

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Joined in 2008
February 21, 2008, 21:32

Hi Luke, great to have you on the forum. I too was raised in a Christian family, Mum and Dad a little more traditional but 4 born again sisters! ( in my story!) I actually fell in love with a woman not ever thinking I was gay. My family all reacted in ways I didn’t expect but then again they didn’t expect this from me also! Being true to yourself and being happy with that truth is sooo liberating. I’m coming up to 2yrs with my partner in May, good on you and your guy making 9 months! Keep smiling 😀

Joined in 2008
February 21, 2008, 23:32

hey michelle. thanks so much for your comments. congrats on your relationship. i am always inspired by those in committed relationships… it gives me hope. and thanks for your congrats. yeah 9 months is big for me and im still stoked. so its good news. 😆

Joined in 2006
March 4, 2008, 10:56

Hey buddy,

Good to hear your story. I’m sure heaps of people can relate to what you’ve been through, which is funny, because when you’re going through it you think that you’re the only one! Our stories are very similar (including the dark, suicidal times) and so I was wondering if I can offer one piece of advice? It’s awesome that you’ve come to a place where you realise that faith and who you are do not have to be incompatible, but I’d suggest that after the ‘unlearning’ comes a ‘relearning’ of how to balance the two things again. For me, this came as a revelation that God is actually interested in us individually, personally, and that I didn’t have to be a pastor to be serving him. If he’s made us this way, he’s pretty much able to use us just as we are.

I’m glad to say that since me and my husband (we’ve been together for 5 and a half years now, married for 6 months 😀 ) worked through our preconceptions of God, he’s used us constantly in ways and places that never would have been possible had we been straight!

So congratulations on being a light of hope to people. I encourage you to keep moving forward whilst not forgetting your past 🙂


Joined in 2006
March 4, 2008, 11:43

Hey Dash its always a relief for me when I see you post. I can certainly learn something from what you said. God can use us whether we are ordained or not. So true. Also, sometimes its so easy to get caught up in the negatives said about us and get into a dark place, even on here at times but I guess we just have to take it with a grain of salt and continue on in our new found path with God of love and acceptance and guard that.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
March 4, 2008, 12:48

yes Hi Dash……always great to have you add your bit. You are the only married one on the forum as far as i know.

I think what you say is true for many of us……we just end up having a personal revelation that we are okay after years of self hatred and loathing……..then somewhere down the track we sort out the biblical stuff. First port of call is ‘am I trying to justify myself’……and we hear from those who say that you can’t really follow your heart……its desperately wicked……everything must be based on the word……but you still know deep down inside… are okay. His spirit witnesses with my spirit…..and i have peace.

thank god at last

Joined in 2006
March 4, 2008, 14:30

Thats it isnt it Anthony, His spirit witnesses with our spirit that all is ok….how refreshing 😀

Joined in 2008
March 4, 2008, 15:23

This may sound incredibly “not in the know” but is gay marraige legal in Austrailia? Im sorry, Im just a stupid yank from the states where the thougt of gay marriage petrifes most people. My partner and I would love to get married, but we are waiting for the laws to change. To us there really is no point in it if we can get no benifit out of it. Ya know, like buying a home, medical benifits, taxes, ect.

Shantih Shantih Shantih
Joined in 2008
March 4, 2008, 16:00

No, same-sex marriage isn’t legalised in Australia. The ACT (Australian Capital Territory) came close a year or so ago, I think, and for a time instituted civil unions, but I may be wrong. Anthony would be able to tell you more, probably.

Joined in 2008
March 5, 2008, 07:09

oh, ok. LOL. I actually found out reading through all the posts in the discussion forum about gay marraige. My goodness that subject can get heated!! HA! I even posted my thoughts on there myself. 😛

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
March 5, 2008, 09:50

in fact our previous federal government passed a law back in 2004 that made marriage of same sex partners illegal and that it would only ever defined as between a man and woman.

the new government made promises to keep the law to get the Christian vote but the law will change…..eventually.

I’m doing commitment ceremonies.

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