
22 year old, gay christian dude

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Joined in 2011
April 10, 2011, 13:45

Hiya internet,

My name’s Tommy and I just joined so i thought i might introduce myself.. I’ve known about this forum for a few years now .. heard about it from some Hillsong mates.. i dont go there anymore though.. so I’ve sorta read a number of the stories here. in the past year I’ve been opening up to myself the idea of getting connected with the gay community and ive been really moved b y what i’ve seen and read… the kind of experiences people have, it just makes me feel like being gay is a really, really precious and normal part of the human experience.

So I’ve been a Christian for most of my life, most of my friends growing up were Christians so I had a lot of trouble coming to terms with my sexuality. Apart from the internal conflict I haven’t really encountered any problems. I lost some friends when i started coming out, and it hurt. Some of the people ive come out to still refuse to believe i’m gay (i’ve been told by some people they reckon i’m asexual … LOL.. sure we’ve heard that before..).. looking backk the process has been exciting, challenging, and mostly positive.

What gets me down though is that at my church I’m only out to one person.. my doctor who is an elder in the church and extremely understanding, he’s very open minded, but he’s advised me that most other people would just not understand. Last year some people were talking about the election and complaining about the greens and the gay marriage agenda, and how homosexuals should never hold public office, blah blah blah, it was depressing. Since then I’ve had my confidence in God shaken. I know that in the church I’m loved, and that this wouldn’t change even if they knew the whole story, I really believe that, but I know that I can’t expect people to understand, so I just have to cope with this difference of opinion.

Anyways sorry if this hasnt been entirely coherent, I really don’t know waht else to say but that I’m glad to be here..

Chapter Leader
Joined in 2008
April 10, 2011, 15:51

Welcome, Oberon …

We are all at various stages on a journey of discover and understanding and reconciliation. Everyone’s journey is a little bit different – although lots of common aspects. You have plenty of time, so no need to rush.

Keep reading and participating in this discussion site as it’s a safe place with lots of guys who can very well identify with what you are experiencing.

Please pluck up the courage to attend one of our main monthly meetings, or one of the periodic youth events. They are non-threatening occasions where confidentiality is respected. You can be involved as little or as much as you want.

God bless.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
April 11, 2011, 20:33

Hi oberonthespaceman

A big welcome to you! 🙂

You said:

…it just makes me feel like being gay is a really, really precious and normal part of the human experience.

You’re so right. Hang onto that thought no matter what else you may hear that’s negative.

And I echo forestgrey’s sentiments wholeheartedly.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2008
April 11, 2011, 22:29

Hi oberonthespaceman,

Welcome to our online forum space. I reckon everyone including myself has experienced some form of depression in our journey to reconciling faith and sexuality.

Thanks for sharing your story.

Joined in 2011
April 11, 2011, 22:59

Thanks for the welcome guys, and about the meetings, i definitely will do! Now that i think about it, growing up i never really even knew any gay people.. it explains why i act completely straight apart from the fact that I like going to the theatre.. lol… glad to know there are others out there though.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
April 12, 2011, 01:15

when i saw you username oberonthespaceman….I thought you lived in the central west….. I used to live at Orange….nearby……:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

Welcome…where ever you are from.

so glad you posted…..hope you become a part of our wonderful caring supportive community

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
April 12, 2011, 01:26

Hi oberonthespaceman

A big welcome to you! 🙂

You said:

…it just makes me feel like being gay is a really, really precious and normal part of the human experience.

You’re so right. Hang onto that thought no matter what else you may hear that’s negative.


Ann Maree

Like Mr Summits signature quote

“God made you gay because He thought you might enjoy it” – Candace Chellew-Hodge

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