
22 year old Sydney guy, still figuring things out

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Joined in 2010
November 20, 2010, 15:30

It does get better, Josh. Surround yourself with supportive caring people who understand what it is like, and the time will come when you start to like yourself more than you could ever imagine. So much so that believe it or not, you will one day say, I wouldn’t want to be anyone else than who I am.

Joined in 2010
November 20, 2010, 16:52


Thank you all for your support. Its great to know that there are others who understand what I’m going through.

I know that it will be a matter of time before I come out, and I really don’t mind telling other people, but I really doubt I’ll be able to come out to my family. (But of course, knowing the small world we live in, and how quick news travels, I worry that my parents will find out about me being gay from other people.)

I’ve been reading through some of your stories on the forum, and have been touched 🙂

So thank you once again.

Joined in 2010
November 21, 2010, 00:53

Hi JoshJay, I’m not gonna be as much help here as the others, but it sounds like you are in a kinda similar place to me. I’m 21 and in Sydney too. Not really out to anyone. Funny what you say with your parents though: I was so worried about them finding out second-hand, that I wanted to tell them before anyone else. But, now that I have told them, and it didn’t really go all that well, I don’t think I’m gonna tell anyone else anyway, haha.

Good luck with it though. I hope you get something from being here. Maybe I’ll see you at the meeting on the 3rd – if I can go, it’ll be my first one also.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 21, 2010, 16:59


Thank you all for your support. Its great to know that there are others who understand what I’m going through.


interesting Joshjay isn’t it……whilst in the closet we can be so isolated and alienated even feeling like we must be the only ones and that no-one understand…….that is one of the most cruel impacts of the closet…..and can even impact our mental health.

once we begin to come out then we find a whole new world……even if at this stage it is basically in cyberspace….its great to find.

Coming out is basically being honest with ourselves about who we are………who knows about it and when should be as much in our control as we can…….if we handle it well…..we discover things about others……who’s love in conditional…..who is ignorant…….who is bigoted….and those who love and accept us unconditionally.

In coming out properly we give those around us the opportunity to shine…….some will be tarnished by humanity.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 21, 2010, 17:02

I was so worried about them finding out second-hand, that I wanted to tell them before anyone else. But, now that I have told them, and it didn’t really go all that well, I don’t think I’m gonna tell anyone else anyway, haha.

Good luck with it though. I hope you get something from being here. .

hey Muffins……do you mind if I ask a question. it would be helpful to know as we help and support others.

how did you come out to your parents.

Joined in 2010
November 21, 2010, 22:48

Yeah, I wrote a letter to them!! It was ok, and got the message to them, but they haven’t wanted to talk about it since, so it’s been awkward!

I will agree with you though, having come out to them, I now feel like I can come out to people as I want, so there is a sense of relief involved for sure, just from taking that first step!

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
November 22, 2010, 09:28

Hey muffins

How long since you wrote the letter and can you give a brief outline of the content?

And have you broached the subject with them or waited for a response and not gotten one?

People deal with things differently so their silence may not be rejection… they may just not know what to say to big news such as that. It’s good that your disclosure to the parents has given you freedom to come out to others in your own ways and timing though. That’s great! 🙂 And well done for taking that step. It takes a lot of courage. 🙂


Ann Maree

Mr Summit
Chapter Leader
Joined in 2010
November 22, 2010, 20:20

This is Muffin’s thread from a while back:

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 22, 2010, 23:32

Yeah, I wrote a letter to them!! It was ok, and got the message to them, but they haven’t wanted to talk about it since, so it’s been awkward!

I will agree with you though, having come out to them, I now feel like I can come out to people as I want, so there is a sense of relief involved for sure, just from taking that first step!

often when we come out to people they can begin the same journey we have done.

Whats the first step in the journey that we have all taken


possibly your declaration in your letter has launched them and a journey they did not choose just as we didn’t choose ours.

Danny B
Joined in 2011
February 2, 2011, 14:05

Hey JoshJay,

Not sure where you are at since November, but thought I would share an experience I had.

I was coming out to my very Christian Zimbabwe friend who had Jesus right down deep in her heart. I was always very upfront with her about everything in my life (except that one little issue of course). Absolutely terrified at how she was going to react. Aweful anxiety attacks, the whole thing.

When I eventually built up the courage I managed to mutter something like “Shona, I think I might be gay and I know that you think that is a sin, and I know I’m probably going to hell and, and, and….”

She looked at me, smiled and said “Dan, I don’t know what Jesus thinks about being Gay, and I think that anyone that professes to know would be very ignorant. What I do know, is that if you spent your whole life being someone that you felt you weren’t, then when you get to Heaven, I’d be very surprised if Jesus said “Well done, good and faithful servant”. You need to be who you are and who makes you happy and know that I’m your friend for you, not for the bible.”

Could of knocked me over with a feather. But instead we laughed and cried and carried on just like normal. My mountain somehow turned into a molehill and I was able to be closer with my dear friend despite me being completely open about who I was.

What’s my point? You never know how people are going to react. Some may be bad, others will unexpectadly be good. Some will blow you away. One thing is for sure, you are who you are and you only ever have to come out once. Once it’s done, it’s done.

All the best.

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