
50 years old

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Joined in 2013
November 11, 2013, 12:09

Ambrose, It is awhile since I've put finger to button in this forum, but there is really no other quite like it. Your story Ambrose is, like others have stated, very uplifting. Many words echo my own experiences and your honesty and sincerity is to be commended.

I joined LGBTI also in order to explain myself. As I said initially I wondered If the "I" in LGBTI stood for "I, I will "impotence", which was my problem in times past. I found that it stands for "Intersex" , but if I ever get enough influence in LGBTI I will plug for another "I" or perhaps an "ED" which is more common these days. Hence we could have" LGBTIED". Easier to remember if nothing else.

Yes in my early adulthood I had Erectile Dysfunction. Now fixed, but the social consequences of it will never be fixed for me and for many others. USA stats. show that 40% of men over 40 have ED at some time. And it gets worse as you get older. Women also get ED I would assume, but it would more likely be lack of engorgement or lack of lubrication.

Naomi Wolf wrote a book on her "ED" but it was the opposite to mine. She had a good sex life until middle age when "the lights went out". She hounded research doctors for the latest unpublished research and eventually she found that the problem was a latent problem in the nerve clusters of her lower spine. Not everyone has her sort of resources to find out that sort of information.

I guess that what I'm on about is that frontrunners, even LGBTI folk or whatever don't stop to allow for people that are less fortunate. And as for dialogue with preachers, many do not even acknowledge science. But my faith follows on from millions of people over thousands of years who have found faith, joy and hope in Jesus

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