
Another Sodom?

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Joined in 2007
November 13, 2007, 05:01

Judges 19:16-28

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 13, 2007, 07:26

Hey Rob…..yes both stores dont really hold together if it is assumed that the ‘men’ werer homosexual men.

For those interesed in knowing more about the 6 passages of the bible that people use to say God is against homosexuality you find some interesting stuff on the links in our resources section.

BTW Robert…….I’ve been trying to email you but I keep getting the emails returned.

Joined in 2007
November 13, 2007, 09:22

One thing is certain. THESE men were not homosexuals. In all of my days upon this planet, I have never heard of a group of gay men that took a woman out and gang-raped her all night long until she died. There is no such thing.

I am thankful that your experinces have not included gay men gang raping a woman. But there is such a thing, rape is not about attraction it is about power, and gay men can want power over women in the same way as straight men sometimes do. I know. I didn’t die thankfully but I was in hospital for three months. It does happen. Whether it happened in the bible or not is debatable but I believe that it is possible. What clearer message of power and dominance to send to the father, the father who refused them men and sent them away then to abuse his daughter so badly. I belive they wanted the father to get that message or they would not have bothered to send her home, the probably had a good idea that she wouldnt make it.

Please read my story in the telling our stories section, it is entitled “all or nothing” maybe it will be helpful for you.

Joined in 2007
November 13, 2007, 18:48


I’m glad you shared your feelings and I had read your story although I may not have understood the depth of what you were saying. I am truly sorry for what you went through and I hope you continue to heal.

I think the history of mankind shows us that human beings can be capable of a lot of terribly cruel things. My youngest brother was raped, mutilated and murdered by a homosexual serial killer many years ago so I am very aware that homosexuals are indeed capable of doing wicked, vile things also.

Perhaps these people are examples of what can happen when anyone turns completely away from God and worships themselves and their own selfish desires with no regard for anyone else. You are right about power and control and those who are willing to do whatever they have to do to get it. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation. I believe this is one of the points I had hoped to make.


Joined in 2007
November 13, 2007, 19:08


Went back and reread your story again. Well, if I had not heard of such a thing, I have now. As Anthony stated, I also cannot conceive of such a thing being done by homosexual men but I am glad you shared this. I am again truly sorry for what happened to you and hope your inward healing continues.


Joined in 2007
November 13, 2007, 22:27

I am so sorry to hear about your brother, what a sad loss for you and your family.

Well miracles do happen because one of the men involved in the assult I suffered later became a Christian, it is a truely remarkable story.

I appoligise if my responce was a bit emotive, the reference just hit a few soft spots. It makes you realise how lucky we are to be called the children of God.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 13, 2007, 22:56

all lhuman beings have to the potential to be depraved… matters not what their sexual orientation is.

we see it every day in many countries of the world where suicide bombers will sacrifice thier lives for some insane cause and take the lives on innocent people…..and recently children……its beyond my comprehension.

Insanity exists in the world in the lives of gays and straights.

Joined in 2007
November 14, 2007, 09:36


Thank you for your kind words. It shook me up a good bit to think that I might have hurt someone in this forum with any comments I have made. My heart is to share my thoughts and journey with others for the purpose of bringing about healing for myself and hopefully to someone else. I have had enough pain in my walk to last me the rest of my life and I do pray that I don’t cause any more harm to others who have already had quite enough.

Anthony, thanks for your input. I was about ready to bail out of this and not write any more. Those who think sharing is not painful at times have not done much of it. I want to continue to grow and learn on this journey and hopefully not forget that I really know very little and will never quite understand someone else until I have walked in their shoes.

Thanks Freedom,


Joined in 2007
November 14, 2007, 10:26

Sandy- It doesn’t matter how many times I read your story or think about what you went through, I am moved. I am inspired that you never ‘play the victim’ but trust that God has everything under control. You remain so faithful to God, taking every opportunity to point people to Him and to show love and compasssion to His people. Thank you. Thank you for being such a wonderful example and encouraging us on this forum! I appreciate your imput here as I am sure others are also.

Robert- Thank you also fo being so honest and humble. I am sorry to hear of your painful experience. Like Sandy’s story, I cannot even begin to know what it feels like. I pray God continues to heal you and your family.

God- Thank you that you are indeed in control and that even though humans do vile things for power and pleasure, you are consistantly loving and gracious. Thank you for showing this through the sacrifice of your son. We look forward to the day when you return and the world is restored – we cannot wait to know you perfectly and to feel no pain in living. AMEN

Joined in 2006
November 14, 2007, 10:44

Im glad you didnt bail out Robert, I love reading what you write and find I gain new insight into things. Everyone has something that can be helpful to someone else, even if to even stir a responce and keep the conversation flowing on a new perspective.

No one goes out to intentially hurt anyone here, I see F2B as a safe haven for those who are needing a rest and to be heard get a chance to be heard and in the doing help so many. Its great when we recognise that maybe we hit a persons soft spot and we apologise or if we get a bit too passionate but dont ever beat yourself up if it happens, its not possible to go through life without at times sometimes hurting someone without realising it, main thing is that if its pointed out then we apologise and be graceful in accepting apologies but if people are mature enough, they will see that it wasnt intentional and that maybe it could be a sensitive place in themselves triggered yet to heal.

We all have wounds on here in some shape or form and at different levels of having healed so with that in mind I think it keeps us kindve sober in ministering grace where needed to a strong or passionate comment and we get to really see that we are not alone and no-one has arrived in a place of perfection yet. If we bomb out a little here and there ( I have a few times shock ) Know that we wont turn our back on anyone and encourage anyone back in the saddle whenever they are ready.

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