
any gay christian seniors out there.

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Joined in 2009
December 19, 2009, 14:27

😉 This is a wonderful way to help our young sisters and brothers


To be there for them when they are hurting and their faith is in question

.Knowing that we have been through the fire.

That we have walked where they are walking now.

Join us to help them.

To go outside the camp as Jesus did

.To show Gods wonderful love in all its facets.

Thank you Freedom2B[e] for your steadfast help to the hurting.

Remember God does not look on the outward man but he looks on the heart

.My prayer is with you all and God bless

Joined in 2009
December 23, 2009, 21:17


😉 This is a wonderful way to help our young sisters and brothers


To be there for them when they are hurting and their faith is in question

.Knowing that we have been through the fire.

That we have walked where they are walking now.

Join us to help them.

To go outside the camp as Jesus did

.To show Gods wonderful love in all its facets.

Thank you Freedom2B[e] for your steadfast help to the hurting.

Remember God does not look on the outward man but he looks on the heart

.My prayer is with you all and God bless

Joined in 2009
December 23, 2009, 21:19

it seems the same with Christian Gay.Where do they go after 40 🙁 🙁 🙁

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