
Beliefs, Behaviour and Belonging

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Joined in 2007
January 9, 2008, 22:03

So liking those songs makes you a complete looser then? 😳 Well…uh…they suck then…. soooo bad 😆

But we are getting off topic again and since the digression doesn’t involve chocolate I’m not diverted for long. What do you mean by pendulum? What ideas are we swinging back and forth between and how does it differ from a more circular approach?

I get that these questions are unanswerable in a sense, we have no crystal ball and we are not sociologists trained to pick up trends. But that shouldn’t stop us from having a go anyway 😉

Joined in 2006
January 9, 2008, 22:22

Yeh Im with you Sandy, it would be interesting to see to what the pendulum has been swaying back and forth from and such and Im interested to hear what those who are older christians have to say about the way things have gone with the church over a span of time and insight to the trends of the past that may have recirculated etc… Im sure there are certain patterns that have repeated and one can predict or forcast ahead of time and some that we’ll just have to see.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
January 10, 2008, 22:30

sorry that is twice now i’ve been the initator of the digression 😳

Joined in 2006
January 11, 2008, 08:54

Gee Anthony, I wish I could say that I only digress twice in a discussion shock Its become almost signature for me to do so often roll oops

Joined in 2007
January 11, 2008, 09:39

lol, maybe its just that no one has any ideas, and thats ok. It’s a pretty hard topic I think and I havn’t been going to church long enough to be much help. We’ll just add this one to the ‘going no where’ pile 😆

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
January 11, 2008, 11:28

you have an extremely active mind Sandy…… 😆 😆

Our greatest strength can also become our greatest weakness.

that is not a criticism but my doing my coaching/personal development thingy. 😀

Joined in 2006
January 11, 2008, 11:58

How true is that Anthony. I have a good analytical mind and it is one of my strengths but has also proven detrimental that I over analyse, gotta learn to chill a bit. wink

Joined in 2007
January 11, 2008, 12:34

Alright, who wants to join me in the inaugural meeting of the gay and lesbian Christians over-analysers support group?…

But seriously, I think there is a lot in the idea in general that each generation tends to look at what the previous did and react against it in some way. Each generation thinks that the previous one got the emphasis wrong.

Or maybe it’s more accurate to say that each generation notices the aspect that the previous generation DIDN’T emphasise, senses a lack, and then tries to correct the balance. But never quite gets it right to everyone’s satisfaction, of course.

If we’re going to push circle and pendulum analogies, I think it’s hard to say that we ever go back to the same exact point. It’s more like a whole bunch of different pendulums all swinging at once. If you’ve EVER seen what happens when more than one pendulum is attached to each other, you’ll realise how incredibly chaotic the results are.

But yes, on any single issue/axis, there’s a tendency to swing back and forth.

Joined in 2007
January 11, 2008, 14:50

Me, Over-analyse? 😆 I supose I do have an active mind, but I am also procrastinating not wanting to tutor this poor girl in sociology, 1st year is so dull it was bad enough having to take the class wayyyy back in the days of the dinosaurs and now I have to re-teach it since the lecturer is a bozo and it doesn’t make any sense… Still I supose if thats my biggest problem I am doing ok 😆

I think orfeo may have a good point, there still has to be a pattern though. Maybe we sould think of some examples of generations picking up on an aspect missed to acheive balance. I can think of one but it relates back to those bra burning feminists and well… thats a bit of an extreem example. So in other words lets put some meat on those theoretical bones! 😉

An overactive mind is my greatest strength Anthony? You have obviously never seen me in a bikini 😉 But in all seriousness you may have a point, my greatest weakness at least right now is a ‘need’ to have an opinion about everything. I think its why I have so many books. Oh BTW I have found my soulmate, I met a woman yesterday with a personal collection of 30,000 books. I think its true love 😉 Seems like I have a talent for digressing too.

Joined in 2006
January 11, 2008, 15:41

30,000 books Omg shock Thats it youre just about married by now right with that kindve information????? wink lol lol lol

Yeh I agree with Orfeo’s aspect of one generation making up for the lasts whatever they thought was missing but you could almost say that about the fact we have so many different churches and movements, they all or at least some seem to believe they have the “it” the others have missed and so “now” the pieces will fit better. I guess we can say one thing common to all generations, they all want to outdo the last in some shape or form.

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