Hi Jamesn
I think its one of the most underlooked points in all this is when opponents of Gay Marriage cite Polygamy as a threat – they CONVENIENTLY ignore that Paul's admonition is JUST for church elders. In OTHER words Polygamy is very biblical and very traditional..
Ive come across another speech on the topic of Gay Marriage by Malcolm Turnball which i quite enjoyed here
and this bit talks about the LEGAL origin of the one Male and One Female in English law
"it was in the course of that judgement that Lord Penzance gave what has been an enduring definition when he said:
“I conceive that marriage, as understood in Christendom, may for this purpose be defined as the voluntary union for life of one man and one woman, to the exclusion of all others.”
It is important to bear in mind that what he was stating was in truth little more than a statement of fact. In Christian countries at that time marriage was generally so defined. Utah at the time was certainly not regarded as part of “Christendom”.
It is worth asking what Lord Penzance would say today. Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Canada, Argentina, Portugal and Sweden would all have been regarded as being part of “Christendom”. So too would the American States of Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont and the District of Columbia. And the Governments of the United Kingdom and of France, which already provide for civil unions for same sex couples, have announced they will legislate for gay marriage as well[3].
So if “Christendom” means countries where the majority of the population that adhere to any religion adhere to a Christian denomination or even if it means countries whose culture and history is essentially a Christian one, then Lord Penzance, were he alive today, simply could not make the statement in the terms that he did in Hyde v.Hyde.
He also cites some interesting statistics – which show to me that while focussing on the Gay issue the Church is really fiddling while Rome burns
In the last twenty years the percentage of marriages in Australia conducted by ministers of religion has dropped from 58% in 1990 to 31% in 2010[15]. Most couples are getting married today without the benefit of clergy.
About 30% of marriages conducted in 2010 included at least one party who has been married before, which means of course that most of those marriages would likely be regarded as adulterous and invalid by several of our leading Churches
Now remember that at best there are ONLY a few verses (the so called Clobber verses) that MIGHT even discuss homosexuality in the bible. (of course nowadays Secular scholars doubt several of these verses even mean homosexuality and others they think can only be read in the context of temple prostitution but even ignoring that – its a TINY TINY TINY % of the bible) Jesus NEVER mentioned it. Its JUST NOT A FOCUS. The focus is on other things. Always telling the truth for example. Looking after the poor, the downtrodden, the sick. Jesus NO where mentions homosexuality – but he does command us to do those things So – why is there so much time and effort and focus put in the chuch on something that ISNT in the bible – when they ignore things that run ALL through the bible.
Simple – its easier to point at others and call sinner than to actually do what Jesus commanded us to do. Its all about misdirection.