
Bullied - it gets better

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Joined in 2005
November 9, 2012, 13:00

Hi there

I wanted to share two Links today

Firstly I wanted to link to this this story

The story of a 20 year old man in the Netherlands who suicided due to bullying. This line stuck in my mind "Tim was not weak or pathetic. He was strong,' they said."

If you are being bullied or harrassed – please be aware that you are not alone – many of us have been there and come through it and there are many good support avenues available – such as those mentioned here or our forums or at accepting churches (such as those mentioned here )

Also one thing we can say is – it gets better

(This is just one of a whole series of It gets better video's so if you are feeling things are hard – I would suggest looking through lots of them !)

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
November 11, 2012, 21:24

Hi ShadowBoxer

Thanks for sharing this.

What stands out for me in line with what also stood out for you is the statement that the cowards who did the bullying were the weak ones and not the recipient of the abuse. That's a powerful message that people need to hear.

It's also a good reminder for anyone being bullied that there is help and support available and life truly can get better.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2011
October 22, 2014, 07:09

Hi. I've been around here on & off for a while. Thank you for the above clip. My situation is being bullied as a gay Christian by a gay couple. It's hard to really know a person through a forum & some of my posts have been a bit out there, because I felt safe to do so. But I now regret it because I'm still worried some think I'm a religious freak. I didn't want this to happen & didn't provoke it. I'm being bullied by my neighbour. Please believe me.

They've felt I've judged them but in my heart I have not. All I did was start a conversation. And they've now said some very hurtful things. Just asking for prayer I guess. To help get those bad words out of my head. Thanks

Joined in 2014
October 24, 2014, 21:18

Are you able to go to a meeting? One of the moderators may be able to put you in touch with someone who has had a similar experience.

Joined in 2011
October 24, 2014, 21:45

Yeah thanks I have spoken to someone & I'm thinking that I just have in ignore them & move fwd. I'm.just finding it hard to be at home on my own. Get very anxious. I'm in country Vic & so far from the Melb group. I'm sure it will get better as time goes on. I just still feel really hurt & not sure why this happened. Anyway, I'll sort it out

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