
Camp OUT 2011 - Updated

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Joined in 2010
May 29, 2011, 01:53

Hi Everyone

I’m in the US at the moment and thought I’d share with you the details of an annual bible camp that my partner organises every year:

“Camp OUT 2011 : Christian Camping for the GLBTIQ Community and their straight Allies. July 14 -17 in Eastern Pennsylvania USA .”

I’m thinking this may be of interest to some of our American members, with people coming from all over the States but it would be awesome if some Aussies were to make it, perhaps with humanitarian supplies of Weet-Bix, Vegemite and Cherry Ripes!

I’m particularly excited as performers, Jason and deMarco are going to be there, as well as ex-gay survivor, Peterson Toscano. If any of you have seen his one man show “Doin’ Time In The Homo No Mo Halfway House”, you’ll know what a special person he is! It would be well worth the trip.

Further details can be found at: and please feel free to PM me with questions and comments.

My best to you all.


Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
May 29, 2011, 11:07

Hi Lochlan

That sounds excellent. I wish I was there, if nothing else, to meet you.

Thanks for posting this. 🙂


Ann Maree

Joined in 2008
June 8, 2011, 23:31

Hey Lachlan – that camp sounds so good! Christian camps can be so good – I’m sorry I only just found this mention of it. Maybe next year … let the travel plans begin!!

Joined in 2010
August 4, 2011, 00:59

Hi everyone. With CampOUT over with for another year, I thought I’d just give you a run down on my experience there. All up it was 3 days of fellowship with GLBTI Christians and friends. For me, it was a life changing experience.

On the first morning, we looked at the documentary Coming Out, Coming In. I’m sure many folk here would find it interesting, so I’ve included the website so you can check it out for yourselves.

Later, we had a reading from author Glen Retief of his book ‘The Jack Bank’ which was an interesting look into growing up gay in Christian South Africa back in the 80s.

That evening, we had an audience with Jason and Demarco. If you have not heard of them, they are performing artists who sing duets of both Christian and secular music. They are also a loving couple, very much evidenced during their performance. The did a version of Bridge Over Troubled Waters which was incredible.

The next day was a two part performance from ex-ex-gay activist/writer/speaker Peterson Toscano. Some of you may be familiar with his work. For us, we were treated to a reprise of his ‘Doin’ Time In The Homo No Mo Halfway House’ as well as his new monologue ‘I Can See Sarah Palin From My House’. If you haven’t see his work, please check him out. He is a truly gifted performer.

This is us. All up, around 60 odd. Accommodation was a mixture of motel rooms, dorm rooms in a converted barn, cabins and actual tenting. Meals were provided or you could cook out, like Gary and I did.

Me, representing at CampOUT.

My partner, Gary – founder of CampOUT. You’ll notice that lavender is very much the theme here.

I’m definitely heading back for CampOUT 2012. I would love to see more Aussies there next year – or even an Aussie CampOUT. Maybe both!

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