
Coffee with the ACL's Wendy Francis

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Youth Coordinator
Joined in 2008
August 27, 2012, 23:52

Hi all,

An interesting article on Wendy Francis was posted in today's SameSame. Brisbane editor Chad St James organised to meet with her for coffee and asked her some tough questions.

While it's easy to dismiss Wendy for her previous anti-gay remarks, we should remember that we are all humans and we make mistakes.The article shows Wendy's humanity and the fact that she is still struggling with some things.

We need to continue to engage in polite, respectful dialogue with those who disagree with us. It's the only way that the church will become fully inclusive.

Read the article here:

Joined in 2012
August 31, 2012, 08:10

I was really impressed SameSame did a story like that. Big congratulations to both Chad and Wendy for setting up the meeting.

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