
Ex South African gay couple now living in Melbourne

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Joined in 2011
April 24, 2011, 14:09

My long term partner and I immigrated to Melbourne about a year ago. We live in Caroline Springs and started attending services at the local Baptist church shortly after we arrived. Though warmly welcomed in the church, it was made clear from the start that the church’s constitution does not condone our relationship and therefore we cannot become members. But nevertheless we have felt love and compassion from the greater part of the church.

During this time, we have struggled with so many other opinions, many of which is scripturally based, almost opening a wound that I have nursed for years. I have made peace with who I am, after years of prayer, and struggles to find a place in society as a gay person and a God fearing believer. I believe that God created me as I am, my body a temple, that I was given, so who am I to pray to be someone else, more pleasing to the rest of the heterosexual world. I do believe that if God wants me changed to someone that is pleasing to HIM, he would , and know that I will grasp the opportunity and the new person that he makes me with open arms! Until then, I still feel my Lord and Savior has a purpose in life for me, and here in Melbourne. I was hoping to meet other like minded gay and lesbian folk or any one else that also feels and experiences the same kind of rejection, ultimately made displaced in this world.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
April 24, 2011, 15:27

Hi smitp

You are very welcome here and thanks for sharing something of your story.


There are inclusive Baptist churches around but it’s important to be where you are comfortable. So if your current church makes you feel at home despite their constitution, then that’s something to consider.

We have some good articles in the resource section that give a more balanced look at homosexuality and the bible. They seek to objectively look at the cultural context and languages of scripture so you might find those interesting.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy our site. We also have monthly meetings in Melbourne that you and your partner could attend if interested. They’re a friendly and welcoming bunch. 🙂


Ann Maree

Joined in 2010
April 24, 2011, 16:05

Querido Smitp (or the union represented by Smitp, if you both are using the same user name),

Bienvendio. Welcome.

As I have said many times before, your story is a common one. Please understand that I am not demeaning your experience or claiming that it is not unique. I am simply saying that you are not alone in being confused by the mixed messages of our misguided brethren. After all, you have felt the love of God and have borne witness to the eternal sacrifice of Christ for the sake of ALL souls for ALL time and yet there are those who would say “yes, but….”, not realizing that God’s love is unconditional and omnipresent.

To such misguided brethren who would misinterpret Scripture to hurt you and try to drive a wedge between you and the Lord, I suggest giving them this:

The Lord accepts you just as you are, your orientation being a natural creation of his will and thus, he calls it and all of who you are as his child, GOOD (GEN 1:31).

We are here for you, Smitp. Welcome to F2B.

Yours in Christ,


Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
April 25, 2011, 15:00

welcome smitp…..great to have you with us and welcome to Oz….so glad you found Freedom 2 b[e].

there are about a dozen welcoming and affirming Baptist churches in Melbourne I believe. I’m not good with geography down there as I live in Sydney.

I am sure others will post with suggestions. You might not want to move though if you already feel a level of acceptance within the community.

Do you know we have monthly chapter meetings in Melbourne. Great bunch of people. they meet the third Friday of the month. you can email [email protected] for more info if you like.

Joined in 2007
April 26, 2011, 09:28

Welcome to Freedom2B smitp!

It is wonderful that even though the church constitution doesn’t ‘condone’ your relationship, that the greater part of the congregation have been so welcoming and have shown you love and compassion.. Maybe it is just a case of the constitution catching up with the views of the general congregation.

Freedom2B is one place where you will definitely meet alot of like minded people, who will understand and share much of the highs and lows of your story and where you are at right now.

Ann Maree has mentioned that we have a resource link with discussions about scriptures. I know from experience that reading these has changed my perspective of different scriptures – allowing me the freedom in myself, as well as, giving me a different perspective and confidence to discuss with others.

Well. Hope to hear more from you, 🙂

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