
Federal Marriage Equality Bill

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Joined in 2012
September 20, 2012, 06:27

I live in Los Angeles and heard a federal marriage equality bill was defeated 98-42 in Australia's House of Representatives yesterday. Can someone answer this comment I was reading on a news forum?:

"I've said it before and I'll say it again: Australia is NOT a gay-friendly country. It's a gay-hostile country where gays are frequently beaten in broad daylight. Yes, there are a few enclaves where gays are tolerated but these are generally commercial in nature, such as Oxford St in Sydney or King St in suburban Newtown, and do not represent the broader country.

The fraud all along has been that Australia is gay-friendly. This fraud has been perpetrated through tourism ads. It's a very ugly redneck country in reality."

Is this true? If it is, it sure isn't known in the states where we see Australia as one of the gay-friendliest countries in the world.

Joined in 2012
September 21, 2012, 07:15

They are very strange/awkward comments I must say.

I don't think there is ANY country where being gay is FULLY accepted in reality (you'll always find haters). The most gay-friendliest place in the world I think would be San Francisco, as I hear 15% of the population (or maybe it was just the male population? I can't remember) is gay and it is very much welcomed. I would say the friendliest place in Australia to be gay would be Sydney. Don't know why whoever it was that wrote that only mentioned Oxford St, because acceptance isn't found on only one specific street lol – that's rediculous.

The fraud all along has been that Australia is gay-friendly. This fraud has been perpetrated through tourism ads.

I personally don't see many tourism ads for Aus over here in NZ, but I don't see any gay-friendly ads for Aus either when I DO see them. Heck, I also don't see many companies at all showing two guys or two girls in anything, especially wedding billboards and stuff like that. I don't know what he (I assume it's a he?) is going on about. No one is forcing anything down anyone's throats either, so to call this gay-friendly Aussie tourism stuff a 'fraud' is cruel and heartless. I think it's important to realize here that it's just his/her opinion though, and he/she doesn't speak for the entire country.

Thanks for posting this mate

Joined in 2012
September 21, 2012, 08:03

If it was one comment I would understand, but there are others like these:

"WTF ?! Kevin Rudd was all for this a few weeks ago ! Now I have no sympathy that he was stabbed in the back and pushed out of his job. The man is a liar and a snake.

What the hell is happening Australia ?

It's really non surprise when you consider how badly Australia still treats immigrant and native aborigines. Human rights are way behind there and the weak, untrustworthy Labor Party has no balls.

I hope this vote of hate kills the tourists dollars they get from gays going to Sydney Mardi Gras. Money talks folks !"

"Once again, I can't believe I'm agreeing with Jason, but he's right – Australia is NOT a gay friendly country by any means. I know several gay Australians who have said themselves that there is so much homophobia there and beatings. That was enough for me to decide it wasn't worth 24 hours to a place like that, and this story is just another reminder why I won't be going anytime soon. They don't deserve our tourism dollars."

I know a girl in Mexico and she told me what's actually happening in Mexico with the drug wars that's a different story than what the media here is giving. Only the people who live there can give you the truth and I'm glad it's not as rough over there as what's being stated.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
September 21, 2012, 19:41


You said:

….the federal marriage equality bill was defeated 98-42 in Australia's House of Representatives.

I live in Australia and was shocked by this. I thought we were closer to winning the bill than this sort of defeat. I can understand people being discouraged by this and clearly the news of this triggered some stuff for the person whose blog/post you were reading.

I think it's fair to say that we are well behind many other parts of the world in terms of our laws around gay rights and equality. But then I heard an Australian politician and some local church leaders speak very strongly in support of equal rights and the fact that anything else is discrimination that plays a part in leading to suicides. That gave me heart. So we do have support here. We also have the 100 Revs who march in mardi gras every year as a way of saying sorry to the LGBTI community for church homophobia. Those church leaders create a lot of healing by doing that and I have the highest respect for them. And then Australia is known for things like Priscilla Queen of the Desert.. and we have some great Queer film festivals in capital cities as well as gay friendly country areas, like Daylesford, that has a pride march and festival (I was there when the real life guy from Brokeback Mountain played by Heath Ledger was a guest in the march). And we have this fabulous forum at f2b with lots of lovely straight supporters, including Mums, Dads and pastors. And in some heartening news today, the Australian Football League is taking more actions to stamp out and prevent a homophobic culture thanks to the leadership of Jason Ball. See my latest post in the following link.

So I don't think the picture is anywhere as grim as that poor person's words would suggest – far from it.


Ann Maree

Chapter Leader
Joined in 2008
September 22, 2012, 03:16

Goodness me! A USA blog site slagging off about Australia's attitude to LGBTI people. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! The USA is certainly no epitome of respect and equal treatment of LGBTI people. Reading the comment in its original location, plus some of the following conversation, suggests a somewhat bitter and exaggerated source. Although some of the comments also give the alternative view re Australia's position. That is, the positive side. By all reports, attitudes and actions re LGBTI people varies enormously throughout the USA. Apart from the recent vote in the Australian Federal Parliament knocking back recognition of gay marriage (and there are lots of political subtleties re that), Australia has seen great advancement in GLBTI rights and acceptance in Australian societiy in recent years. It's certainly nothing like what that original quote suggests. Even on gay marriage, various State Parliaments are moving to endorce it, and general consensus is that the Federal Parliament will eventually approve. If anything, I would think that overall Australia is ahead of the USA.

Joined in 2012
September 22, 2012, 07:37

Love you Ann Maree. I'm glad you aren't hiding gays under the floorboards of your house from the gay bashers wandering the Australian streets. ; )


I don't see how it's US bashing Australia when the comments sound like they come from Australians and one who knows an Australian and that's why he believes what he believes. I know The US has a bad reputation worldwide, but some of the claims in the worldwide media about the US is really over the top. Gays can get married in 6 states here and even though we don't have the progressive attitude like say an Netherland or Denmark, I think we're doing pretty good considering the power religious conservatives sway in the political arena,

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
September 22, 2012, 20:45


You said:

Love you Ann Maree. I'm glad you aren't hiding gays under the floorboards of your house from the gay bashers wandering the Australian streets. ; )

🙂 hehe. Thanks RQC! 🙂 Yes thankfully it hasn't come to smuggling people for safety but I would gladly take people in if need be.

You said:


I don't see how it's US bashing Australia when the comments sound like they come from Australians and one who knows an Australian and that's why he believes what he believes. I know The US has a bad reputation worldwide, but some of the claims in the worldwide media about the US is really over the top. Gays can get married in 6 states here and even though we don't have the progressive attitude like say in the Netherlands or Denmark, I think we're doing pretty good considering the power religious conservatives sway in the political arena.

Yes my impression was that it was a very disillusioned and emotional Australian person making the complaints about Australia rather than an American doing that so I didn't interpret the comments as the US bashing Australia. RQC, you make a good point that the US has a number of states where same sex marriage is legal whereas Australia does not. And I take heart in Obama's recent stance supporting the idea that same sex couples should be allowed to marry. I thought that was a very powerful statement.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2012
September 23, 2012, 09:24

Don't forget the repeal of "Don't ask, Don't tell." Because I'm in Cali, I'm keeping my eye on Prop 8 that has a direct affect between my partner and me.

Talking to you Ann Maree is like talking to a good friend over coffee who knows just what you say. I'm sure everyone her will agree you a true blessing on these boards and we are very fortunate and blessed you're here. (((big bear hug)))

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
September 23, 2012, 10:43

Oh thanks so much, RQC. 🙂 You've made my day. Things have been really rough for me of late so it's particularly nice to receive that feedback.

And yes, there's prop 8 to consider and the positive grounds made there.

I think it's very important to gain your own experiences of different countries if possible. Prior to visiting the states, I had positive impressions (as Australians we have grown up with a lot of good US TV programs and movies) but I also had this idea that Americans would be a lot of flag waving Bush supporters! And when I went to the US with my then girlfriend (who was half Danish and half American and had a lot of good friends in the states), I received a very different picture. (This was 2 weeks after Sept 11 when we travelled from the UK and people were shocked by that). Many of my girlfriend's friends were in Boston as well as other places and I found them to be open minded, intelligent, evolved, accepting, very gay friendly, creative, welcoming, and generally just wonderful people. And in Boston they understood irony that's often part of Australian humour which I thought they wouldn't get. So my visit to the states was a very positive one and I'd love to go again. And from that and other travel experiences, I decided that wherever I go it helps to be in good company, which really creates a positive impression of a place. 🙂


Ann Maree

Joined in 2012
September 23, 2012, 16:55

Talking to you Ann Maree is like talking to a good friend over coffee who knows just what you say. I'm sure everyone her will agree you a true blessing on these boards and we are very fortunate and blessed you're here. (((big bear hug)))

+1 to that

You're not allowed to leave us Ann! <333333333333333333333333 😛


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