
Finding Truth. Finding Myself. 25 and loving it!

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
February 7, 2011, 00:32

I guess you know about our monthly chapter meetings in Melbourne as well as the youth group (18-30) events.

Alan Hough
Joined in 2005
February 9, 2011, 21:01

Awesome story! And welcome to Freedom 2 b[e].

Joined in 2008
February 9, 2011, 21:38

Thanks guys.

I think you have to be positive about these things. It’s such an interesting part of who we are as people. You really don’t have to look too far to find someone worse off. As sick as that may sound, it is rather comforting to know you’re not right there on the end of the bad luck pile. I also like the fact that my life will be supremely different to that of most. I was reflecting with a friend the other day and we both decided if we could go back now and change it so that we turned out straight, we both wouldn’t do it. That’s a sure sign when I think you are really comfortable with your sexuality as a gay person.

Citipointe people do like the latest trends in fashion. “no comment” is probably the most appropriate thing to say about the guys that go there. Let’s just say I found it a comfortable place to be.

light and love. x

Hi Danny B,

Welcome to our unique, safe online community. I think appreciation and gratitude in whatever our situation is is something we should never forget.

Thanks for sharing some of your journey with us.

Danny B
Joined in 2011
February 10, 2011, 18:03

Thanks guys! It’s nice to know, despite the general consensus in the church (albeit that it’s slowly changing) that you can be a nice person and be gay. You can live a perfectly ‘normal’ life (although personally, I couldn’t think of anything worse than ‘normal’). Just nice to know that you can… if you know what I mean.

Look forward to meeting you in due course Pierre and see you Saturday Al!


Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
February 11, 2011, 01:26

Awesome story! And welcome to Freedom 2 b[e].

love your work Mr Hough….is it time for you to tell your story here

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