
Freedom 2 b[e] Target Market

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
March 15, 2008, 16:16

dont you like the term or were you just clearing your throat 😆 😆 😆

Youth Coordinator
Joined in 2008
June 16, 2008, 02:03


Great work Anthony on doing all of this. You have identified some very real needs and I believe that people of all different walks will benefit from this site.

Me personally:

I’m here to get support and to understand how my faith can work with the fact that I am gay.

I am also here to show support to others and stand up for GLBTIQ people everywhere.

I am here hopefully to be equipped so that I can go out and make a difference in the Australian Churches with a message of Christ’s love for everyone.

“Christ died for all – That all may be saved”. The gospel is not exclusive to a certain type of people. It is a message for all to hear!!

I am also here to support Freedom2be, what you stand for and to be a part of something i truly believe in.

Have the best week all,


Joined in 2006
June 16, 2008, 07:47

Welcome Ben 😀 Its great to hear your enthusiasm and strength of faith, looking forward to hearing more from you.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
June 16, 2008, 08:46

yep welcome Ben… did you find us

we do have quite a range of poeple to reach out to. As you can see some of the groups of people who need us so much dont even know we exist….the challenge is to get the word out there.

Youth Coordinator
Joined in 2008
June 17, 2008, 03:21

How I found the site??

Well I heard about you (Anthony) and went on to your website and read a few articles and before you know I found myself here on Freedom 2 b[e].

And I’m sure that God had something to do with me finding the site. And at the perfect time too.

It’s a great site and what seems like a really close and supportive community. I am honoured to be a part of it.

If there’s anything I can do to get the word out there just let me know.

Have the best week!! 😀

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
June 17, 2008, 11:18

How I found the site??

Well I heard about you (Anthony) and went on to your website and read a few articles and before you know I found myself here on Freedom 2 b[e].

And I’m sure that God had something to do with me finding the site. And at the perfect time too.

It’s a great site and what seems like a really close and supportive community. I am honoured to be a part of it.

If there’s anything I can do to get the word out there just let me know.

Have the best week!! 😀

thanks for the offer…..I’m sure there will be things in the future. At the moment….you are doing a great job just be being here and sharing. You’ll have a bit to concentrate on over the coming months.

We are looking at organising a regular catch up for the F2B youth in Sydney……you may like to be involved in that.

Joined in 2007
November 26, 2008, 13:03

Dear Forum

I think when one person, that tackles with a sexuality issue within the church movement. Seems to be searching for answer, to yearn for ‘Spirtuality Void’.

Life in church can be sort of up-lifting, as I believe all people need some form of nourishment in life, in general. Because I have always thought that this is just one inperfect world. Where people yearn a inner connection of ‘Hope.

I think God, is really their for the ‘Broken Spirit. That has lost touch of open reality. Were one person seeks a glimmer of change. For life is a journey of many obsticles in life. When dealing with ‘Sexuality & Faith.

I am still griping the fact, of still hanging onto a fulfilled ‘Spirtuality Life’.

My earthly father did say to me. “Life is what you make of it”.

So I now try and move on with my new ‘Life.

Thankyou Anthony Venn Brown, for sharing your ‘Life.

Thanks again. For everybody in life, needs some form of open ‘Hope.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 27, 2008, 12:57

yep Matt……accepting our sexuality doesn’t have to mean rejecting our spiritual connection……although I used to think the two things were mutually exclusive.

Today though my spirituality is not clouded by guilt shame judgment or condemnation……..its much purer…..I like it.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
October 23, 2009, 11:16

Hi AVB and others

This is great information, Tony. Thank you. And I’ve enjoyed reading others’ posts too. James, I’d love to read the article your daughter wrote and any others you’ve written. Are you still in the Salvation Army church?

Of the groups listed, I relate most to Groups 1 and 5. I had no choice but to leave a cultish pentecostal church when my rebel husband got us kicked out. It was devastating but thanks to him for opening my eyes to what was happening and for getting me out. Some years later we divorced and that was quite a painful process to reconcile with my faith. Fortunately I got through that only to wake up to the fact that I had attractions to other women. I had Christians telling me I was going to hell because of the divorce and I certainly wasn’t telling them about the gay thing!! So that was another difficult process to work through.

Now I’m at peace with my sexuality. I know God’s fine with it. My spirituality has expanded and matured to include all kinds of ideas that were off limits before. I know that the pentecostal way isn’t the only path. I really enjoy looking at the true roots of different spiritual faiths and seeing the commonalities between them. And what a joy to find that love is a universal theme. Love is love and it knows no bounds. Love goes beyond the artificial boundaries we put around it in the name of religion. The sacred is everywhere if we just have the eyes to see.

Have a great day everyone,

Ann Maree

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
October 24, 2009, 10:40

thanks Ann Maree for the additional insight. Sound like a triple whammy which understandably make reconciliation more difficult/intense

So from what you’ve said you’ve

1. Had to deal with the issues of leaving a cultic like church group. (that is major intself)

2. Had to deal with the divorce ( that takes 5-7 years to work through)

3. then the sexuality issue

these are like layers and form a matrix….because some emotions intertwine and its hard to separate issues because they become compounded.

I often use the ananlogy of a root system growing down a drainpipe……it gets very messy.

Glad you like the doc… comes from reading 1000’s of emails…..100’s of conversations….and listening…….over 5 years.

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