
From Faith to Reason - Former Pentecostal Mega Church Pastor

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Joined in 2010
November 20, 2010, 07:40

Querido Brian,

Your story was very touching, and I am glad that you now have the peace you so longed for. As a former Atheist myself, I too put greater stock in reason and logic than simple emotional appeals (especially since so many of my friends were homosexual, and at the time I thought that religion itself was the problem). But after several years of study, philosophical examination, and perhaps most jarringly, textual (and contextual) Scriptural study, I found that much of what I thought about the faith was somewhat off (to put it lightly). So it is that I became a Christian in the vein of Lewis: brought in by my capacity to reason and study. Though quite a few of my former Atheist friends were extremely cross with me (one even, threatening my life), I, too, found the peace I had sought for so long.

I now dedicate myself as an apologist to confront (among others) those amongst my brethren who would warp scripture to harm my LGBT brothers and sisters and thus line their own pockets at the expense of others , mocking Christ’s sacrifice for all souls.

Stay strong!

Yours in Christ,


Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 20, 2010, 15:23

A Past Student

Hi Brian,

I would first of all like to say Thank You. Thank You for so many things and for so many reasons. I was one of your students at RBTC Perth in 1983 & 84. I still feel extremely privileged to have had the opportunity to study at Rhema alongside your daughter-in-law and your son-in-law. Having a background in the Catholic religion.

Rhema turned my life around and gave me hope. Through you and your wife’s ministry I learned a hunger for study of the scripture that I had never known before. I did what you taught “never just listen to what you heard from the pulpit. But, go back to the source and find out what it actually says for yourself.” I actually believe that I am still alive today because of my time at RBTC.

I was one of the 20yr old students who attended New Day Ministries under Ps Phil Howell. I was also very lucky to have had a good friend in your Oldest son who I enjoyed working with in Children’s church on occasional Sundays back in Stirling St.

I eventually returned to the Catholic church, initially to become a priest, but eventually started a ministry under the auspices of the Archbishop teaching and preaching the message I had learned at Bible school. This period of my life is littered with some wonderful successes. But, sadly, it is tarnished by betrayal and pain from associates whom I thought I could trust.

I went to New Day, having left the Catholic church because I believed that I could get help to overcome my sexuality. I was trying to find healing from what I had been brought up to believe was a sin that set me apart and at times I felt like I was the only one going through this struggle. I knew plenty of people who had simply, what I perceived as, given up and accepted homosexuality as a lifestyle. But, I just wanted to be ‘normal’.

I saw my sexuality as a problem in my teens and twenties. I spent 12 years being involved with different programmes and looking for any method that would help me escape my awful sin. I didn’t get to finally come out and accept my sexuality until I was in my thirties.

Initially I was caught up in the euphoria of no longer lying to myself as well as to my family and friends. Initially I was around some people who led me to believe that I could be both Gay and a Christian. However, as I went on to EnglishTeaching at Hight school and was sent away from my support group into a Bretheren dominated wheatbelt town I became despondent, depressed and even suicidal as I felt more and more distance between myself and God.

I have at times felt that I wanted to turn to God, I still had my love for him and I also couldn’t deny the things I had personally witnessed in my own life and ministry. I had often tried attending meetings such as the MCC in Perth but when it would come to the message I would struggle as people took pieces of scripture, completely out of context, and attempted to twist them into a personal idea foreign from its origins.

I got to the point where I would use my training at Bible College to be able to tear down people’s arguments against homosexuality. I would be used by friends as a reference as I would even say “At least I know what weapons they are going to use against us.” referring to the Born Again poofter bashers. However, I didn’t have the knowledge I personally needed to deal with the fateful 7 or 8 passages that are usually used to bash GLBTI people over the head with

It was only 18 months ago I read AVB’s book and then early this year on one of my visits to Sydney that I got the opportunity to catch up with AVB. Progressively over the past 18 months I have been drawing closer and closer in my relationship with God and even more recently have been sensing that I may even have a ministry in the future. Time will tell.

I’ve been listening to Old Hagin and Copeland Tapes (actually I’ve been transfering them to MP3) I can see that there are places where is some clash. But, I am also aware that the promises remain the same.

I am writing my personal journey as a book that I hope will help Gay Christians and other people of Faith.

I hope you are well. Additionally my thoughts and prayers are with your Son and daughter-in-law as he recovers.

Love and Many Thanks


BTW. I have read “From Faith to Reason”, I was one of those on the floor in the all night session [url=


hey Graham…….nice to see you on the forum.

why dont you put your story up in the telling our stories section…..some guidelines are here

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
November 20, 2010, 20:11

Hi Graham

Welcome to the forum. 🙂

Your book sounds like a great asset to our community and I imagine the writing of it is a healing process for you. Good luck with that.


Ann Maree

Graham Douglas-Meyer
Joined in 2009
November 21, 2010, 18:19

Thanks Maree,

I appreciate your encouragement.

I had an interesting day today. I attended the 11.30 service at Hillsong and the roof didn’t collapse in on me.

I had a good time and got to chat with a lovely lady from the Philippines. I didn’t ‘out’ myself but it was a good first sojourn after years of being away from fellowship.

I’m currently reading “Love is an Orientation” by Andrew Marin. AVB put me onto it last week when I saw him and it is certainly an interesting perspective on GLBT and Faith from a straight Evangelical Christian.

I will do as Anthony has suggested and put a version of my story in the My stories section. I’ve just got to find the time to do it.

I’m flying home to Perth this evening and have to fly out to Canberra in the morning. I’ll have some time to myself later in the week so hopefully I can get it done then.

Many Blessings


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