
Gay Christian Camp Event

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Chapter Leader
Joined in 2008
August 3, 2011, 14:52

In the ‘What’s On’ section, there is an excellent thread/report about an event held each year in the USA called CAMP OUT 2011. (Check it out. See latest report dated 3rd August.)

Obviously, the population of the USA would make such an event more viable than here in Australia.

BUT, let me “fly a kite”! (Purely on a personal level; not from any of my official positions in Freedom2b.)

Would there be any interest in someone trying to organize a similar event here in Australia? Either by F2b, or by some other organization, or some collaborative effort by like-minded organizations?

Because of the nature of Freedom2b’s mission, we couldn’t do it exactly as per the USA model. (I think the CAMP OUT name is already used by someone else here for a different purpose.)

Let’s have a discussion. Cheers – david

Joined in 2010
August 3, 2011, 22:52


CampOUT in the US was started by my partner who is a GCN ( member and the event was a small group of people who were actually camping, in tents, under the stars, etc. It has now evolved into a larger group with planned activities, etc. It is predominantly attended by GCN members but as it is not an official GCN event, it is therefore open to all people that are sensitive to our cause.

A similar event could well be planned in Australia and I have been giving it very serious thought. Like CampOUT, it could be open to GCN members as well as Freedom2b[e], MCC (and Crave!), Imagine and other organisations that are sympathetic to our cause. Like at Freedom2b[e], safeguards are built in to keep people focussed on the fellowship. Like F2b, membership covers a broad spectrum of people from a variety of church backgrounds in various stages of their reconciliation, so activities are mostly focused on uplifting entertainment and networking, rather than preaching.

Gary has been receiving feedback very much along the lines of the CampOUT being a very much needed opportunity to connect, reflect and refresh. For some, it was the only contact they had with anyone from the GLBTI community. Some had found their place in the wider GLBTI community but it had been a very long time since they had been around Christians due to the hurt they had experienced in their lives.

I’d also like to ‘fly a kite’ as forestgrey says. If there is suffecient interest, I am more than happy to get involved with planning, etc.

Chapter Leader
Joined in 2008
August 3, 2011, 23:22

Great to read your response, RAAF Guy. (We have met at F2b in Sydney one time.)

I am aware that we have a number of folk registered on this Forum who are somewhat isolated in rural & regional areas and we are keen to improve our support for them. There must also be others out there we don’t know about.

All we need at this stage is some expression of possible interest (with no commitment yet) from anyone who might be interested in attending such an event. Planning such an event takes 6 – 12 months.


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