
God, guns and gaysex woohoo! 😀

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Joined in 2013
June 5, 2013, 14:03

Ok bitches, I must warn that what I'm going to show next is controversial, but I'm stupidly happy about this…and I also know that while some people might not share my enthusiasm as Freedom2b's resident gun nut…what I have been doing lately has been to come out and present LGBTI people in a positive light among Australian hunters and shooters. I firmly believe in both getting gay marriage and easier access to firearms (picking up my sixth one next week) and being this open has invited a fair bit of abuse from other gun owners who can traditionally be a very conservative lot, but I don't give a flying turd – I like people having whatever they want in life as long as innocent people are not harmed.

So I was very inspired by this recent ad campaign in Seattle.


and came out fully as a gay gun owner on my Youtube channel.

Here is the big news: I have watched the LGBTI lobby achieve growing acceptance in Australia while the gun lobby declined after the Port Arthur shootings. In my opinion, I think my fellow shooters really need to learn the political savvy of the LGBTI lobby because their positions have been swapped…its become less and less acceptable to be open about guns than it is to be open about homosexuality. So I created a Youtube channel where I am openly gay and a gun owner and have been posting about my hunting activities. But the stir created by the ad campaign made it important for me to make my own video teaching shooters how to emulate the success of the LGBTI lobby.

As you can see, the response has been extremely positive. My inbox is overflowing with messages of support including being contacted by the Shooters and Fishers and Country Alliance members. I have laboured behind the scenes for years to make shooters a bit more tolerant of homosexuals…many started out as being violently against me but things have changed. I compete in 3P Service – three positional service rifle, and took my first wild goat this February. I have done much to change the perception of LGBTI people as inner city wimps that cannot wield a weapon effectively, and also lobby for both communities. (Yes, it is true that my article on hunting got rejected by a gay mag :/)

I know that not everyone shares my love of both things, but at the very least I just felt I had to share the good news. Even if you don't like firearms, at least take comfort in the fact that I have the ear of the local Country Alliance members in VIC (the most gay-friendly of pro-gun parties) and also have contacts within Shooters and Fishers; also to a lesser extent Katter's Australia Party, and have helped open their minds into being accepting of us. If anyone here would also like to join me at the range, PM me. 😀

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