
Good news.....things are happening Saddleback - Rick Warren

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Joined in 2006
November 9, 2008, 10:28

Yes. It’s meant to be the Gospel of GOOD NEWS AND THE LOVE OF CHRIST.

Joined in 2008
November 10, 2008, 01:01

I’ve never heard this man speak or preach–just sort of avoided him, kind of like I do Osteen and the other big boys. Is he normally this tongue-tied? Maybe, because he’s so influential, I anticipated more eloquence…

Where did he get the 2% figure? I’ve always heard GLBT folks make up 8-10% of the population. If he does have data to support that number, I would question its legitimacy. I also question his qualifications to speak about something which, just from his bungling the numbers, it seems he has little knowledge.

And you’ve got to like that every religion in the world believes marriage is a man-woman thing. Notice he failed to mention that some of those religions believe it’s a man-women thing.

I’m sorry, but he disappoints me. I expected something more challenging and credible than this. All I saw was a pudgy man talking out of his hat.

I wanted to leave a comment asking him what’s his definition of equal rights under the law. Or for that matter, shouldn’t there be a difference between how a court views marriage and how a church does? How soon before we lose the separation of church and state? Unfortunately–though predictably–his “blog” doesn’t welcome comments.

Finally, I can’t help picking at one other blatant omission in his little chat. Yes, it’s true that both President-elect Obama and John McCain have held the line that marriage is a hetero institution. What this man neglected to add, though, is that both men have repeatedly called for all couples in America to be entitled to the same legal rights and benefits.

Perhaps he thought about adding that to his talk and decided against it, thinking it was more information than his people could handle. I wouldn’t doubt that’s true, either, because if this is any indication of his leadership style and depth, the people following him can’t be too bright. The intelligence and compassion I hoped would surface within his congregation may not be there. Now that I’ve seen and heard him, I feel like my earlier comment was ridiculously naive and optimistic.

P.T. Barnum said there’s a sucker born every second and he made millions by pitching his circus tent and rounding them all up. If he were alive now, my guess is he’d be giving Pastor Warren a run for his money in the megachurch/entertainment business.

I apologize for all the sarcasm, but it’s this kind of foolishness that continues to give Jesus and all He represents a bad name. Moments like these always bring back something Max von Sydow says in Woody Allen’s Hannah and Her Sisters: “If Jesus came back and saw what all these televangelists are doing in His name, He’d never stop throwing up!”

I’m going to love this man anyhow, but right now I sure don’t like him.

Joined in 2006
November 10, 2008, 07:31

“If Jesus came back and saw what all these televangelists are doing in His name, He’d never stop throwing up!”

Oh by golly yeh 🙄 …..whats with the chunky rings and bracelets? anndddd overweightness over time?

On a positive note saw a guy from England who preaches on uk tv one day and he was brilliant, looked like coco the clown in a miami oldies shirt (all floral):lol: but what came out of his mouth was beautiful, sooo much love.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 10, 2008, 10:24

thanks for your thoughts straight-friendly

I think we can safely say that Rick and anyone else for that matter….but particularly preachers who espouse the one man one woman model of marriage….actually dont’ know any gay or lesbian couples. of course if they did they would know that the foundations of those successful relationships is the same for heterosexuals and homosexuals. The only differences being gender and the mechanics of what goes on in the bedroom. To speak disparagingly is rude and cruel……and certainly not something a minister of the gospel should be doing……especially to those he has been called to reach out to. No wonder gay and lesbians have developed an intense hatred for the church or Christianity. They rarely hear we love you except when it is tagged with but we hate your sin.

Regarding the number of homosexuals. Originally Kinsey suggested 10% which of course shocked everyone as in many western countries it was still a crime. That figure is no longer accepted by most people as being reliable.

the most common figures these days are somewhere between 4-6% of the population. Of course we really do have know way of knowing until their is no stigma at all attached to being gay.

BTW……in my suburb….its 35%…..hehe.

Joined in 2008
November 10, 2008, 19:05

To all–

I apologize for my crassness above. I’ve had time to cool down and recognize my lack of restraint speaks ill of me. If anything I wrote earlier offended you, I pray you’ll forgive me.

Without seeking to justify it, I can only attribute my outrage to emotional exhaustion after our hotly contested, ultimately exhilarating election here. Seeing Pastor Warren’s video resurrected the worst of it and burst the bubble that I’ve been floating on since last Tuesday’s triumph. Despite the quantum leap the US just made in such a definitively commanding manner, his attitude–and knowing his influence over thousands of others–served a harsh reminder that we’ve got a long, long way to go.

Less the vitriol, I still stand by my frustration at his blatant misrepresentation of the facts. (Anthony, even at 4-6%, his reduction of our numbers by half or better is alarming.) And, frankly, I don’t know which would concern me more–his doing it unwittingly out of ignorance or his doing it intentionally to mislead his people. Either way, a man in his position should know better than to speak without first checking the evidence behind his arguments.

The more I thought about it, the sadder his desperate pulling at straws felt. Evidently, he was skirting the issue with erroneous details because he knew the minute he opened the Bible, his argument was lost. Yet his strategy to disguise fallacies as spiritual truth is nothing short of pastoral abuse of parishioner trust. He should know better. And so should those blindly queued up behind him.

Thanks so much for indulging my vexation. It’s all after-the-fact anyway so from hereon, I’ll leave it alone.

PS: Magsdee, some of the finest preachers I know are out-of-shape fashion victims. And you’re right, the minute they open their mouths and God’s love flows out of them, they become the most handsome, sharpest-looking men you’ve ever seen! That just makes me wish all the more that Pastor Warren’s spirit and words had been so powerfully correct that his style and appearance would have been unremarkable.

Joined in 2006
November 10, 2008, 20:07

Yeh I agree Tim, our spirits filled with God make us beautiful 😀

The point I guess I was trying to make with the UK Pastor was that in comparison to the overdressed “show off” evangelists that have no grace or even truth at times, this man who was just your boy next door, knew where his riches lay and he decorated himself with the annointing of grace and love from God, not the decoration of materialistic things because his ministry was financially successful.

(not that being well off is a bad thing but it isnt everything, reminds of how Jesus was ticked off with the Rabbis dressed elaborately eating the fat of the land yet they were empty white washed tombs, sprouting nothings and expecting everything, we need to pray for people like that because they end up hurting themselves and others too)

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 10, 2008, 22:00

thats okay straight-friendly……you are not the first to have their triggers pulled here and you won’t be the last. I know I couldn’t plead innocence…….we try to be gracious….it works most of the time.

pulling the numbers card is such a weak trick isn’t it. ….as if that has anything to do with equality and human rights. There are more white Americans than black aren’t there……They are in the minority people have said.

We have a guy here in Oz who is fixated on numbers and genuinely delights in pulling apart the 10% myth. I think the last time a read one of his diatribes he reduced it down to a percentage of one percent.

Anyone would think we were trying to make everyone gay or something. imagine that……the whole world gay. we all know that wouldn’t work…..You wouldn’t be able to move around as the place would be knee deep in sequins and glitter…..and no one would work….everyone would be totally irresponsible by having sex and partying all the time.

They are only a small number … dare a small number dictate to the big number the way we should live.

The silly thing of course is that none of use are telling the heterosexuals what to do……we are just stating the fact that our relationships are exactly the same as theirs……..some work….some don’t….but everyone gets to give it a go if they love each other and want to make promises of lifelong love, commitment, exclusivity.

Shame on you Rick and others…….but as always we have to say….forgive them for they know not what they do.

Joined in 2006
November 11, 2008, 07:07

You wouldn’t be able to move around as the place would be knee deep in sequins and glitter.

LOL 😆 and Pink and kd lang cd’s 😉

Joined in 2008
November 11, 2008, 23:56

We have a guy here in Oz who is fixated on numbers and genuinely delights in pulling apart the 10% myth. I think the last time a read one of his diatribes he reduced it down to a percentage of one percent

I take serious issue with that kind of thinking. So what if it actually is 1%. You yourself make up what 0.000000001 percent of the population? Does that make your life unimportant? Does the majority get to decide who gets to do what? Should we allow the Chinese to dictate to the rest of the world what we should do just because they have the most people? What about people with rare diseases, should we stop caring for them because there are so few of them? It’s just a totally stupid argument. People would squirm if they heard it applied to other concepts.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 12, 2008, 11:53

its obvious that his thinking is that the fewer of them there are the less we should be concerned about them or even listen to them……not very christian is….when you consider the parable of the lost sheep. Apparently in the kingdom one individual is important.

I’ve been following his stuff for some time now……after a while the communication lets you know exactly what camp he belongs in…….pharisee not disciple.

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