
Grace and Forgiveness

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Joined in 2010
April 10, 2012, 09:43


I just wanted some feedback or input. Do you think its possible if an individual burnt a lot of bridges to be forgiven and receive grace. I have a colleague who returned to his home city after 5 years of being away and although he has a best friend in that city he is trying to socialise, integrate and reconnect with other christian gay groups or circles in general. My colleague is a very nice guy deep down but had a very rough treatment more so discrimnation and isolation from other gay men, it is only now when he returned to his hometown how much he has taken for granted, Although he tries so hard to reconnect or make new friends again people are NOT willing to give him a chance because simply of how he was back in 07/06. I do believe in grace and I do believe people can change in their hearts and minds. Often the most difficult, moody bitchy and shy people are the ones who need love and grace the most

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
April 10, 2012, 10:19

Hi azza81

Yes it's always possible for people to receive grace, even after they've burnt all their bridges. Your friend needs to allow for an adjustment period however. 5 years away is like having another life elsewhere and it will likely take 3 years or longer to create a new life back home. It's not just a matter of plugging back in and continuing on as he left off – he will have to work at it. He may have changed a lot for the better but will need to earn peoples' trust, especially if he hurt them before.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2010
April 10, 2012, 10:42

Hi Anne Maree

Thanks for the honest feedback I can pass this on. Im amazed in 4- 5 years a lot can happen



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