
He Loves Me Not

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Joined in 2008
August 11, 2010, 21:10

All of us should have mentors, spiritual directors, supervisors or whatever to guide through difficult times.

I actually think we all need others to show us how to live from time to time. This is why community is so important and the shared journey that it brings.

Yep, I share your insights Rev. Many a time I’ve been reminded of bible verses that mention our human weakness and the times when we are strengthened by others and by our faith. We simply do not have all the answers. That is what I miss at times by being without a church. That can change of course …

Joined in 2007
August 11, 2010, 23:01

If a person had three/five monogamous relationships in their life time would they be labelled immoral, promiscuous, licentious, depraved, wicked :(( |( 0:) >) 🙂

Not by me. I object to people labelling people as anything. (Romans 2:1) 😉

Especially, I don’t have the right to label, or judge anyone else, because I’m probably no better!

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
August 12, 2010, 08:59

avennbrown wrote:Anyone who needs others to tell them how to live is a child….not an adult.

Hi all

avb, in respect to your comment above: That’s precisely how many fundamental churches are set up – to tell believers what to do and for them to need this and follow! It’s very much part of the culture. And I know, having been to quite a few. Of course not all denominations are quite so directive, but in my experience of pente/charasmatic and evangelical churches, leadership told members how to live and members were expected to seek advice about every little thing rather than think for themselves! I really don’t think that’s how we are meant to live. Rather, each person is meant to work things out with much inner reflection. Oh and some guidance along the way is also good.

I think mrg’s description of mentorship and community is lovely. I agree: we all need a helping hand in various ways at different times, and this is a sign of strength not weakness. This is very different to being spoon fed though which is what I’ve witnessed and was describing in the previous paragraph.

Meg, you are so right. We are not meant to be judging or telling others what to do. We are also not meant to be yoking people with unnecessary rules. And even when ethical guidelines are needed, and I think they would be helpful on this subject of sexual morality, humans end up turning them into somethig legalistic and deathly. Sad that.

avennbrown wrote:If a person had three/five monogamous relationships in their life time would they be labelled immoral, promiscuous, licentious, depraved, wicked ( >)

Sadly, the church I went to did make us renounce previous relationships prior to marriage. I regret doing that since all those partnerships helped me learn and grow. They were all incredibly valuable.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2007
August 12, 2010, 09:59

Hmm avb’s comment on being a child if you need to be told what to do is interesting. I mean isn’t that what we are? Children of God? The church garners its power by being the messengers of God’s word which then validates and ligitimises their centuries-old tradition of telling people what do do because it’s not “their” message according to their theology, it’s God’s and does God not have the right to dictate to us?

I’m not saying I agree with Churches telling people how to live, but it’s hardly a crazy concept.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
August 12, 2010, 17:09

Hi Sandy

Always good to have your input.

I think there’s a distinction to be made between being child-like and being childish/immature. And being a child of God is not the same as being childish.

I personally don’t need the church or anyone to tell me how to choose what’s right and wrong. That’s already been given as a gift by God. All I have to do is look within to find that. So I don’t need to be dictated to, not by God or anyone else.


Ann Maree

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
August 12, 2010, 18:14

Anyone who needs others to tell them how to live is a child….not an adult.

I think that might be a bit harsh…

I see a lot of broken people every week. Some of them find themselves in such dark places, that they can’t see a way forward, and desperately need somebody to take them by the hand to gently show them the way forward. They’re not children, but hurting and confused people. hey need love, and sometimes that comes in the form of suggesting a way forward.

Other times, somebody is new to the faith and wants to leave behind things from their old way of living. It’s hard to work out what to do sometimes, and we need others to help us.

All of us should have mentors, spiritual directors, supervisors or whatever to guide through difficult times.

I actually think we all need others to show us how to live from time to time. This is why community is so important and the shared journey that it brings.

you are right MRG……I was not in a good state of mind when I wrote that.

let me reword it.

I think it is good for us to take personal responsibility for our own thoughts, behaviours and beliefs……and not subjugate our God given intelligence and power to make right decisions.

is that better

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