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Joined in 2010
July 27, 2010, 17:20

Hello People

I’ve just started in freedom2be..

Not much this time i will tell more soon. i grew with SDAs. they might be thought to be a formal church style.

Mum and dad were pretty strict when i was young and than mum took me to church when i was older by herself.

have a good night

Joined in 2009
July 27, 2010, 17:27

Hey Elias,

Good to have you on here. I grew up in the SDA church as well.

Can’t wait to hear the rest of your story 🙂

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
July 27, 2010, 18:52

Hi elirow

Welcome to the forum!

I look forward to hearing more from you.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2007
July 27, 2010, 22:27

Welcome to the boards Elias,

I’m looking forward to hearing more of your story, too.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
July 28, 2010, 02:13

….and I spoke recently at a Seventh Day Adventist forum on homosexuality.

things are changing….

looking forward to hearing more of your story Elias.

Joined in 2009
July 29, 2010, 22:21

hey, welcome to the forum!

Joined in 2010
July 30, 2010, 05:28


Nice to see you, Elias. I hope you enjoy your stay here.

Just don’t pet our Sharktopus (he’s still bitter about not being chosen to make the World Cup Predictions again.)

See what I mean?

Yours in Christ,


Joined in 2010
July 31, 2010, 22:21

Hello again

thanks for your replies, they are welcoming,

i will try to respond to a few of them,

in some instances, as it has been most the time, at the moment there are a lot of supportive people such as some ministers other people etc.

unfortunately, the was a new president in charge in at the General Conference (sda world church) who wants to bring back the good old time religion, including all the homophobia of the last 30 years.

it might not have much impact on our lives but it will make life growing purgatory for the next generations if we go back to the old days.

have a wonderful night

Joined in 2010
July 31, 2010, 23:15

Welcome welcome Elias!

Great that you found this site =)

There are some really wonderful people on here =)

Hope to hear more from you soon!



August 1, 2010, 17:29

Sounds like you have found things quite tough with strict parents and a church who is becoming more homophobic, I am sorry to hear that, feel free to talk about it on this site…it is entirelly confidential and can be a good place to put your feelings down and to hear of others experiences who may have been through similar things. Blessings 🙂

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