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Shantih Shantih Shantih
Joined in 2008
March 9, 2008, 16:16

Luke, may I ask, why does the validity of the Bible need to be proven?

I too could go on and on about why I believe the Bible to be the inerrant word of God, but I personally detest that argument – it never goes anywhere – so I’m going to shorten my point to one simple question that goes to the heart of what you were saying:

Why is the Almighty not capable of protecting His own word from being tampered with?

In my experience, the Bible (in it’s entirety) has been a great source of God’s blessing, and as a result I don’t doubt that God has preserved this book as correct and worthy resource for the Church He built.

Joined in 2007
March 9, 2008, 16:46

Also, please dont tell me my comments are without bible basis. because thats just dumb. especially when i didnt even make any comments that should have had any biblical basis.

What I meant was the quotes you made from your friends who had negative reactions are without bible basis. No where in the bible will you see homosexuality as the worst sin or a command to fast in the prescense of homosexuals. As the conservative conviction rests on the bible it does not make sense to include comments that fall outside the realm of what the bible (as interpreted by conservative people) says on homosexuality because then you are not talking about convictions.

Just because you don’t believe something to be true does not mean it is not an adequate basis for others peoples convictions. I don’t believe much of what is in the Koran but I would not automatically call them prejudiced if they said Allah was God. Thir conviction has a basis even if its not one I agree with its not comming completly out of left field eaither.

Joined in 2008
March 9, 2008, 16:49

I agree with you Sandy, in that “Just because you don’t believe something to be true does not mean it is not an adequate basis for others peoples convictions”, but when these ‘convictions’ interfere with peoples rights and wellbeing than i completely disagree!!! and that is exactly what the bible has done!

Joined in 2008
March 9, 2008, 16:54

Shantih… i actually cant believe why you just asked “why does the validity of the Bible need to be proven”…. if you are a christian, arn’t you basing your WHOLE life soley on the words in the bible? in that case if that we me (which it used to be) i would most definatley want some solid facts and grounding that support the validity of the bible.

And dont you think that there is a big problem if your argument FOR the validity of the bible is coming from the bible itself. that seems silly to me.

ps. i dont at all mean to offend … opinions can be fragile. i just like to question/debate things that have such significant value.

Joined in 2008
March 9, 2008, 16:55

ps. apologies for taking this discussion on a tangent from the original post. perhaps i should have started a new one.

Shantih Shantih Shantih
Joined in 2008
March 9, 2008, 17:43

“Blessed are they who believe without seeing…”

I guess the simple, straightforward answer to your question is: I don’t need cold, hard facts – science needs cold, hard facts; atheists need cold, hard facts; some Christians want cold, hard facts – I do not. As I said, the Bible has been a great source of blessing to me, just as it has to many other Christians; and I think that our sovereign God can and has kept it the way it was meant to be. I have felt the moving of the Spirit too many times while reading the Bible to doubt that.

This debate has been circulating recently, particularly in Joe’s (ProdigalSon’s) thread between him and Sandy. At one stage I was going to get involved, but I decided against it because I figured it would go nowhere. I recently PMed Sandy and used an analogy to describe my view of debates (particularly subjective ones like these), this is what I said:

…The thing is, I think, those types of discussions never go anywhere – they’re like the World Wars: four+ years of a stalemate in which neither side gains ground but people still get hurt…

In light of this, I probably shouldn’t have said anything in the first place – one of my larger faults is saying things I regret later because they start heated arguments. (And, as you said, if we were going to debate this, it should be in a separate thread.)

So, in the interests of our sanity, and the relevance of this thread, I’ll leave my statement as it is laid out in the first paragraph, and try to remember not to say anything that might result in a debate rather than a civil discussion… 🙂

Joined in 2007
March 9, 2008, 20:56

William’s right, this is going nowhere. How many times have we had the “homosexuality is bad/no its not/yes it is” debate before? And how many times has it been resolved?

Joined in 2006
March 9, 2008, 21:00

Luke thats really good of you to apologise for taking a diversion but we all do that at times 😉 . and yes opinions can be fragile for sure and touch a nerve in us all but as long as we are not getting too personal and staying respectful, apologising where needed and within boundaries then offloading is one of the reasons for F2B and from that, one hopes we can collectively help each other. I know that we all are looking out for each other. 8)

Joined in 2008
March 9, 2008, 21:26

sure. end it here. agree to disagree ay.

Joined in 2008
March 10, 2008, 03:55

Wow… that was an intense read!! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! LOL!! 😆 jk.

I think Williams comment sums up this entire thread.

…The thing is, I think, those types of discussions never go anywhere – they’re like the World Wars: four+ years of a stalemate in which neither side gains ground but people still get hurt…

That is sooooo true.

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