
how can we make 981 into 1000.....and beyond

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
June 10, 2011, 17:19

When you have the forum page open at the bottom it tells you how many users are registered. Currently it says 981.

What can we do to make that 1000?

we are only scratching the surface of the need out there.

What would you suggest?

lets brainstorm……..rules of brainstorming are here

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
June 11, 2011, 10:52

Hi avb

I’m finding myself able to be increasingly open with colleagues and supervisors about f2b. I tell them about the support and sense of community we offer for LGBTI people from church backgrounds and how many in this population have often been shunned by churches and feel very isolated and more at risk of suicide than others in the general population. I mention how we are not affiliated with any churches or particular group. So I ask them to keep this website in mind for any LGBTI people who may benefit from knowing about f2b.

Mentioning f2b in an employment setting is one networking idea for any others who are comfortable potentially talking about themselves and f2b in this context. Of course this may not be appropriate for some. However for those that can, it’s a great way to reach people, especially given that a lot of us spend so much time at work and may come into contact with many others who need this support or know someone else who does.


Ann Maree

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
June 11, 2011, 16:29

thats great Ann Maree…..we can be a lifeline for LGBT people in isolated areas I’m sure.

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