
How do you find support?

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Mr Summit
Chapter Leader
Joined in 2010
October 4, 2010, 08:38

Hey guys, I only just discovered this forum yesterday, and I have to say: wow, thank you so much. It feels great to know that happy Christian, gay people are out there. And in Australia to boot! The letters written in the “Time to tell my Christian Parents” and “Coming out to my Christian Parents” could have been written by me, I feel very much at home.

My short story is that I am a Church going Christian from Brisbane in my early 20s. A handful of straight friends know that I am gay, and they have been supportive in the “we will still be friends no matter what” kind of way but they don’t really understand nor like to talk about it. Meanwhile, it’s only been over the last 6 months that I have become comfortable about who I am and it feels great not to hate my sexuality anymore.

In any case my issue is that I don’t know anyone else in the world who is Christian and gay. I feel lonely (despite being surrounded by friends) and a little direction less without anyone to “show me the ropes”. I would love to know a few people who have “been there”, who understand, and who can be friends that aren’t scared to go clubbing once and a while.

My question is: how do you find other gay Christians? Organisations like this one seem to be fantastic, but you don’t seem to be active in Brisbane. I managed to find one gay affirming church and whilst they were very welcoming it really wasn’t for me (very different backgrounds and much, much older than me). Given that I am not out and proud it’s hard to connect to that support base that I know I will need once I am out and proud.

So, how did you do it? How did you get that support and make good, Christian, gay friends before freedom 2 be was around?

Thanks so much.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
October 4, 2010, 09:50

Hi Mr Summit

Welcome to f2b! I hope you find support and encouragement here as many of us have.

Thanks for sharing some of your story. Feel free to also post in the Telling Our Stories section so more people are able to read your post.

In answer to your question about how to get support, there is the Gay Christian Network (GCN) and I’ve known of a couple of people in Brisbane from this site who have gone to those meetings. You could always check out their website and contact them.

Otherwise it can be really difficult. I relate to your experience of gay affirming churches. Finding a church you like that is also gay accepting can be really tough. That said, some members have had success with this recently as churches are gradually realising that being gay is not the big sin it was once thought to be. We still have a way to go though. I’m sure others from this site will be able to provide more ideas for you.

Glad you’re here. How did you find us?


Ann Maree

Mr Summit
Chapter Leader
Joined in 2010
October 4, 2010, 20:25

I found the site through the resources section whilst searching for gay affirming churches in Brisbane. 🙂

Thanks for your reply. I might take the time to write my story soon.

Joined in 2008
October 4, 2010, 20:31

Hi Mr Summit,

Welcome to our forum and thanks for sharing. We are progressively adding to our list of welcoming churches in the Resources section of our website.

One of freedom2b[e]’s goals is to setup a Chapter meeting in Queensland eg Brisbane that would enable LGBT people from a faith background like yourself to connect with others who have a similar experience. Check out the About section for further details about what we do and who we help.

Looking forward to hearing more of your story.

Joined in 2006
October 5, 2010, 19:22

Hi Mr Summit

welcome to the fold …

I use to be in Bris and the Sunshine Coast. I occassionally get to Bris and sometimes when I get to Bris I even go to Church somewhere in Bris and also occassionally go out on the town.

So happy to catch up sometime I am in Bris if you want to. There are a few gay christians in town (Bris) and we could always try and organise a lunch/dinner some time.

Mr Summit
Chapter Leader
Joined in 2010
October 5, 2010, 22:21

That sounds great.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
October 6, 2010, 14:27

we have a few people here from Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast. I am always getting emails from people asking when are we going to set up up a Brisbane chapter.

One way to help that happen is to be financial supporter of our work……this will hasten it.

use the make a donation button on the right or help us tag on the top menu……..even donating the $5 or $10 per week adds up……believe me we need your help.

If freedom 2 b[e] has helped you……..then you can help freedom 2 b[e] to help others like ourselves.

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