
"I am gay and it can't be changed" - John Smid

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
October 11, 2011, 15:22

John Smid, resigned as Executive Director of Love in Action in 2008, but only now has made statements revealing just how much his previous beliefs and attitudes have shifted. Love In Action, the flagship ex-gay ministry of Exodus International, shut down its residential program in 2007. In his recent statements John has distanced himself from the message he preached for years as the head of his ministry that promised, along with Exodus International, that ‘change is possible’.

Anthony Venn-Brown says “John has been on a journey for some time, not unlike many of us, and is coming to greater revelations of his relationship not only with himself but also God and his wife. It can take years to undo the years of personal ignorance about sexual orientation and overcome the religious conditioning that creates denial, shame and self hatred. It took me 26 years to work through all this personally and come to a place where I had a healthy view of myself, my orientation and the gay community.”

“It’s an unfolding consciousness and journey to true freedom. Ignorance is what keeps us bound,” Venn-Brown added.

“John now says same sex orientation is unchangeable, heterosexual marriage hasn’t change me or anyone else I know and you can be a Christian and gay. WOW! (but many of us found that out years ago). Welcome to our world John….you will find it to not be anywhere near as evil, destructive and fulfilling as it has been made out to be.” Venn-Brown concluded.

Read full story here

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
October 11, 2011, 20:06

Hi avb

That’s great to hear. Thanks for sharing. 🙂


Ann Maree

Chapter Leader
Joined in 2008
October 11, 2011, 20:49

A familiar story, ‘ey Anthony. There are 2 or 3 key people in Sydney who need to to follow suit – before the damage too many others whom they are seeking to “help”! And before they do themselves too much damage. The pray-ers amongst us need to target them.

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