
I dont know what to do ....

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Joined in 2007
October 13, 2007, 18:02

Hi Folks,

Its crunch time for me. I am married with theree kids although have been secretly homosexually active all my life. I am not proud of having lived a duoble life and now everything is at crunch point. I am a committed christian adn belong to a prominent pentecostal congregation.

I met a guy eariler this year and have fallen in love. I never thought that I would have an emotional connection with a man and this has caused me to think deeply about who I really am. I have told my wife who has hung in there with me to date as I have been trying to reconcile what I want and to see if I can be a faithfull husband and make my marriage work. I have made little progress on that front and continue to be in contact with the guy I have met.

It seems I am unable to make a decision, they will be made for me soon as I am being asked to leave the family home because I am not making progess on being ‘healed’.

I cycle between wanting to accept homosexuality to wanting to fight it ? Is this normal, have you been there ? What happens ?

How do I manage the situation with my kids (7,12,14).

If I dont get some sort of control soon I will lose the man I have fallen for and my marriage. It seems I am unable to move or stick to a decision at all.

Help please,


Chapter Leader
Joined in 2006
October 13, 2007, 19:16

Wow Andrew, I really do sympathize with your situation.

I think in all this you have to be true to yourself. I think the only way to handle this is take it one day at a time. Its a massive decision you are faced with. But as crunch time has arrived, its a decision that can no longer be put off. You possibly knew it would come to this one day. You just have to do what you know you need to do Andrew.

Have you an understanding friend/support around you at all that can help you get through this?

About your children, it may be a rocky road at the start but knowing that they love you, they should accept you. Even toying with the decision of leaving your family must be an absolute blow out or unfathomable decision but you need to look to the future. You have one chance at life. Living honest and true to yourself takes so much courage when you stand to loose so much but with support and taking one step at a time you can get through this.

What you are going through, many have been through before. What you a feeling is normal. Its expected. Well you have taken a step foward already Andrew in putting your situation out there! The f2b forum is a good start.

Joined in 2006
October 13, 2007, 21:24

Hi Andrew. What a heart-wrenching situation.

I think you have kind of pointed to the resolution in asmuch as you want to follow your heart and not what is being expected from you.

Linny made a powerful observation: to be true to one’s self is your first step on the way. Yes, one day at a time — and each day, be true to your self.

If you live near one of the locations where there are freedom2be folk perhaps a casual cuppa somewhere for a chat might be helpful. Sometimes it helps to know you’re not alone. It really helps.

And without sounding flip or casual about your situation, let me say that we are all here when you need someone who understands.



Joined in 2007
October 14, 2007, 03:09

Hi Andrew,

I am sorry that you are in such a difficult place. I pray that God gives you wisdom and hope. I know there are people here praying for you.

Joined in 2006
October 14, 2007, 10:51

Hi Andrew, I couldnt imagine what you must be feeling, its true what has been said so far but right now it is vital you connect with someone either from F2B or a gay counselling service or support group to talk with you about what you can do or where you can go, its important to have face to face contact or in the least phone contact, Im hoping someone from here can pm you and get something happening. Your kids will not lose their love for you but may have lots of questions, kids are quite resiliant like that, it sounds like you need to be somewhere on neutral ground so you can think straight or a chance to think clearer anyhow about what you want to do, thats where a support group or person would be great and also someone you could stay with, your wife sounds very understanding and maybe she will see that you need time out somewhere and the one your in love with as well. I’ll be praying……

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
October 14, 2007, 13:56

Hi Andrew

Your email has brought back to me the heart wrenching time I had grappling with the same questions you are. I went back to that trip I made driving from Brisbane to Toowomba, weeping as I drove while the questions and implications rolled over me like thunderous surf. What will people think? How will my wife cope? Will my kids turn against me or God? Will I go to hell? Will we all be able to survive what could be the most traumatic experience in our lives?…….and ……I will be the one who will cause all their suffering and pain!

You know my whole story so you’ll be aware that it has not always been easy but I can’t think of a moment when I actually regretted the decision to be honest with myself, every person in my life and begin for the first time in my life to be authentic. The peace, fulfillment and resolution I have today was way beyond my comprehension back in 1991.

You know from our conversations that I would never advise but you may find what I say here a bit more directive because I know there will be lots of others reading this who are also in a similar situation.

The consequences of you being true to yourself will be wide ranging. How others respond will be their choice and decision. That is what life is about. In life, we either become bitter or better. Our responses to what life brings our way determines what we become. I used to preach that and still believe it.

I’m glad I took the courageous step (although I must admit it didn’t feel very courageous at the time). There is only so much time you can live with that internal dissonance without it affecting you and those around you in some way. Mentally, emotionally and even physically. The impact will always be negative in the long run.

I think when I decided to leave my wife and family I was actually setting us all free. Free to live openly on honestly. What is the alternative? I knew that in staying I would only be propping up the false reality we’d lived in. Anthony Venn-Brown the heterosexual husband/father/preacher with it all together.

When I left, I set my wife free from false hope and denial. (it seems she has been able to move on and find a man who will love her completely and she no longer lives with the stress of suspicion)

When I left I set my children free from so they could learn to love the real person who was their Dad and not a false identity. (today there are no secrets between us and they love their gay dad)

When I left I set my friends free to love me unconditionally and without judgement (very few passed that test but the ones I have today all give me that)

That is not to say that it was all wonderful immediately or there wasn’t any pain. But with time we worked through most it I think. I know I have. If there are any issues left to resolve, they are other people’s issues. I’ve been open and honest… last. What people do with that is their choice? They can go on blaming for the rest of their lives if they choose……but they will never serve them.

As for your faith. I thought I walked out on that when I walked out on the family. Surprise surprise….it popped up again 6 years later, richer and fuller….and more importantly very very real. I’m glad my false concepts of the great Creator died. I realize now how stupid it was to believe some of the things that I used to believe.

As I’ve said many times in interviews. Look at the big picture. Had we been born 50 years earlier we wouldn’t even be coming out. If we were of this younger generation now we most likely would never get married as we would have realized our sexual orientation is natural and normal and wouldn’t have got married to help fix it.

So don’t blame yourself. You and I and 1000’s of others are the products of a society that was uninformed and evolving. If you need to blame anyone, blame an unenlightened society that use to take aboriginal children from their parents believing it was in their best interests. An unenlightened society that didn’t allow black people the right to vote or even counted them on the national census because they were considered not quite as human as white people. A society that imprisoned blacks and whites if they married (only 50 years ago). A society that’s educational system tied students left hands to their chairs so they would have to learn to write with their right hands. A society that said women were the weaker sex and their only role was to look after the home and bear children and couldn’t be trusted with the awesome responsibility of deciding what political party should be in government. A society that imprisoned two men if they loved each other in the privacy of their own bedrooms (till 1984 in NSW)…….etc…….etc……etc.

All these things horrify us today.

So I guess there is even a bigger thing at stake here. We can either reinforce the old uninformed paradigm or be a catalyst to create a better world for our children. A world where people are not judged because of their race, gender, colour or their sexual orientation. If any of your children were gay or lesbian would you want them to have a heterosexual marriage which is false and possibly doomed to failure or would you want them to marry the person of the same sex they fall in love with and want to spend the rest of their life with.

When you make this decision in situations like ours its rarely very empowering like a young gay or lesbian teenager might experience. It’s more like jumping off a cliff into the darkness. Some are dashed on the rocks below………but many of us find wonderful things inside us we never knew existed and learn that we can fly.

If you show love, respect, honesty and integrity to your wife, children and yourself you will fly. What they do in return determines if they will as well.

Joined in 2006
October 14, 2007, 19:06

Hi Andrew

I can not say any more than what has already been said except ditto.

Good advise at that.

we are praying for you.


Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
October 14, 2007, 22:02

…and it would be good to mention as well Andrew that no matter what you decide to do you will find F2B a place where you will always be accepted and we will support you in any way we can.

Joined in 2007
November 7, 2007, 19:07


You’re going to have to ask God to help you stop and be still. You are also going to have to be more honest with yourself than you ever have before. It’s time to face the question of “just how gay you really are and just how gay you have really been all of your life.”

If you really love this man and if he really loves you, you are not going to lose him any time soon. If he has no concept of what you are going through then he may not be the person you need in your life. Sometimes, falling in love with another man can mean you have finally reached the place in your life that likely would have come anyway if you really are a gay man. There comes a time that our body and our spirit can no longer tolerate living a life different than what we actually are.

Millions of us all over this world have come to this place. It’s tough for every man, especially if there is a woman and children involved. And there is no easy solution to this place you have come to and no way to escape the pain that comes with it. Only someone else who has gone through this can relate to what you are feeling. Anthony’s right. Would to God this kind of thing was not happening to men and women because of church and society but it is, even after all these years.

One thing is certain. You should not leave your wife and children for what you feel is love for this man. If you make this change in your life it absolutely must be because this is what you believe is the right step and purpose for your life. In other words, do it for yourself. Yes, I also fell in love with another man and that brought everything to the forefront. I had been in a relationship with him for two years before I left my wife and son but when I finally left home, it was not for him. It was because I could no longer live a false life and I had to be myself and be true to the person I really was. The result was bitter and I almost destroyed myself because of it.

You see, I didn’t know what gay life really was or anything much about it. The man I fell in love with ended up using me terribly and broke my heart. He was married also and left his wife and four children to be with me. It’s taken years for us all to recover. But it couldn’t be helped. I couldn’t change what I was even though I tried to go straight again later and messed that up also. That was many years ago.

This is 2007. Find someone who has been through what you are going through. You are going to have to be honest and I mean real honest with someone. Thankfully, today you are not alone. The lady was right. To thine ownself be true. Be a man and be real, no matter how much it hurts. If this separation happens, your children will come to love you and understand you if you continue to show them love and love them unconditionally. Kids today have a way of taking things much better than we of the older crowd did.

As crazy as it may sound at a time like this, be still and know that He is God. God will bring you through this if your heart is real and right.

Take care and let us hear from you. Dear God. Do we understand. I think I’m gonna faint.



Joined in 2007
November 11, 2007, 08:28

My heart goes to you – I myself have not yet come to the valley of decision such as yours but my thoughts and prayers are for you and with you during this rough and difficult time.

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