
I think I am done.

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Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
March 17, 2011, 15:53

Hi Meg

Yes surviving and staying true to yourself throughout the challenges is powerful indeed.

I like what you say about learning “to have the courage to state who I am” and then trusting the universe to guide you after that. It resonates with me because I believe we’ve each already been given everything we need to be who we are, to achieve that great ‘I amness’. So all we need to do is uncover the truth of who we are within, declare it and then we will be supported in living that and becoming more ourselves.

It’s been my absolute pleasure to be there for you in whatever way I could, Meg. Thanks for saying I’m a true friend too – that means a lot. I think of you in the same way.. And I think ammi’s balm is already having good effects! 🙂


Ann Maree

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
March 17, 2011, 16:02

Hey ammi

Yes your words ‘depthing’ and ‘balm’ continue to sit with me in a profound way. Thank you again! There’s so much healing in those words and much significance for me as someone who makes healing aromatherapy blends and works with rich metaphor in my counselling work.

May the healing from your words be deepened even more for you too, Leanne.


Ann Maree

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