
Inside the 'gay cure' ministries

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Mr Summit
Chapter Leader
Joined in 2010
October 28, 2011, 09:36

Brisbane Times’ headline news article this morning:

Inside the ‘gay cure’ ministries

Exorcisms, “pure love” same-sex hugging, behavioural management and marriage are among the methods used by a Christian ministry to “heal” homosexuals in Queensland, according to a former leader who now wants to see the practice stamped out.

Paul Martin, the principal psychologist at Brisbane’s Centre for Human Potential, said the local branches of an American organisation known as Exodus Global Alliance promoted homophobia and dangerous “ex-gay” therapies.

But Mr Martin, who became a lead counsellor with the Melbourne branch of Exodus Asia Pacific in his early 20s, said despite apparent support for issues such as same-sex marriage, there was a culture of internalised anti-gay sentiment in Queensland.

Read more:

There is a video story attached. It starts getting pretty funny when the article tries to quote both Paul Martins.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
October 28, 2011, 16:28

Hi Mr Summit

Thanks for posting.

I tried to watch the video but it kept freezing at the same part at the start. I’ll try again later.

It’s interesting how Paul Martin says there’s support for gay marriage and yet anti gay feeling in QL. Is that because there’s lots of pentecostal and other Christian churches in that state compared to Vic? (or at least that’s how it’s always seemed to me)


Ann Maree

Joined in 2011
October 29, 2011, 07:56

All I can say is that after being through those programs and in one was going to be raised up in leadership, they just don’t work. More to the point they are damaging and has and still is taking me time to get over it.

Just puting aside for just one moment what the church says, what the bible says and what the world says and read the stories of people’s lives on this site and others. These are the told stories, what about the untold stories.


Chapter Leader
Joined in 2008
October 29, 2011, 12:29

These are the told stories, what about the untold stories

Yep, so true, ipete. And I think of all the pain and confusion (and even worse) in those untold stories. If only we could reach out to them and connect with them here – where they can join all the others who have found help.

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