
Interesting article about a proudly Christian, proudly lesbian writer

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Joined in 2008
August 4, 2010, 22:56

Methinks this one is bound to generate some discussion:

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
August 10, 2010, 00:00

what happened daniel……no discussion… :(( …maybe because people had to click….cut and paste the article and see what happens.

Joined in 2007
August 10, 2010, 12:40

I’ll discuss.

I “get” this woman. I don’t really agree with her but I do get it. Her logic has flaws but I think it comes down to self-preservation. If you’re conservative then you need to be able to live with thinking “same-sex attraction” (does anybody else hate that stupid watered-down term?) is sin while not totally hating yourself and who you are. She has rationalised it in a way she can live with. I get that and in a sense I respect it too.

I think we have very different definitions of the term “lesbian” though. The way she has defined it makes it no different to straight women who have friendships with other women. Of course then it’s okay to have “pride” in being a lesbian because by that definition pretty much every woman is. The thing is, lesbianism like all sexualities isn’t just about sex (though that’s crucial). It’s about that deep emotional connection, finding “the one” and feeling more deeply, more despretely than mere friendship.

I understand both her need to believe in conservative theology and her desire not to make lesbianism into a wholey bad identity. If it works for her then okay. But personally I’m not swayed. Sex and love are the defining characteristics of any sexuality, without them you have friendship. Period.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
August 21, 2010, 08:59

Hi all

Sorry it took so long to respond to this. I had computer probs.

It sounds like the woman writing the article relates to the other woman, Eve. And similarly to what Sandy said, I think she might be trying her best to find self acceptance and God’s love in both her spiritual life and herself for being gay. She doesn’t want to throw out her religious culture in the process though.. Sounds like a journey of healthy integration to me.

I mean she’s not in a place where I’d want to be but I respect that she’s really looking at everything she values and trying to make it work together. It’s not easy.


Ann Maree


August 22, 2010, 00:25

This is the aforementioned article…..

Love Divine: One Lesbian’s Decision for Chastity in the Church

Chuck Colson


August 4, 2010

For whatever reason, all of us have different dispositions and face different temptations. And some, from an early age, experience same-sex attraction and desire.

Put aside for a moment whether or not we’re wired that way or whether it is simply the result of nurture, some perverse choice that we make, or some combination. Because we do know that God has created us, and we know from natural law and God’s Word what His rules for living are.

But understanding God’s word and living by it in our sex-saturated culture is far from easy—even for Christians. Too many of us still believe, “If it feels good, do it.”

That’s why I was so impressed by Mark Oppenheimer’s New York Times article about freelance writer and blogger Eve Tushnet.

Oppenheimer writes that Tushnet “came out” as a young teen. Her parents, a liberal Harvard law professor and a former attorney with the ACLU, affirmed her choice. As a result, when she went off to Yale University she was “a happy lesbian.”

At Yale—depending on your perspective—something went terribly wrong or marvelously right. Tushnet told Oppenheimer she attended a meeting of a conservative political group “to laugh at them, to see the zoo animals.”

But, she says, she was “really impressed not only by the weird arguments, but the degree to which it was clear that the people making them lived as if what they were saying had actual consequences for their lives, that required them to make sacrifices.”

That is, she was impressed by a lived worldview, particularly among the Catholics in the group, who helped her understand the meaning of sin. “It means,” she told Oppenheimer, “you have a chance to come back and repent and be saved.”

And repent is what Tushnet did, receiving baptism and joining the Church the next year.

Today she does not spend her time trying to convince the Church to change its doctrines and moral standards to accommodate gay and lesbian sex and “marriage.” Instead she works to convince gays and lesbians to embrace the Church’s doctrines and moral standards.

Oppenheimer notes that Tushnet “can seem a paradox: fervently Catholic, proudly gay, happily celibate.”

Tushnet, you see, is still a lesbian, still has same-sex desires—something she doesn’t expect will change (although I would hope it would). Nonetheless, she believes, as she has written, that same-sex love should be celebrated, “while still requiring that this love express itself in chaste friendship or mystical approach to God rather than as gay sex.”

Her story, she writes, “is the story of how love of Christ and His Bride the Church became more central to my life than lesbian love…and how, therefore, I began to interpret the latter kind of love in light the of the former.”

Good for her!

I have great respect for those who struggle with the same-sex attraction, who, like Eve Tushnet, acknowledge their disposition, embrace orthodox Christian faith, and make a commitment to chastity.

This is a model for other Christians to follow—including unmarried heterosexuals.

Chuck Colson’s daily BreakPoint commentary airs each weekday on more than one thousand outlets with an estimated listening audience of one million people. BreakPoint provides a Christian perspective on today’s news and trends via radio, interactive media, and print.

Related Links

* Stereotypes and Spirituality: Survey Gives Insights on Gay Faith — Ginny McCabe

* Gay Versus Christian and Gay Christians — Andrew Marin

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