
Is God punishing me??!

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Joined in 2012
June 6, 2013, 14:07

Do you ever feel like God is punishing you? The last two years of my life nothing seems to have gone right. I have had a major back injury that will always be a problem, I have been sick on and off most of this year, financially I am just surviving, I was fired from my job last year and since then I haven’t been able to find a new one. I had an interview last week but just got a call to say that I didn't get it (feedback was I interviewed well but I needed more experience). I am so sick of not getting ahead! And I know that all these things can just be life, but lately I can’t escape the feeling that God is punishing me for being gay. I know in my head that God doesn't work like that, but that knowledge does not permeate my heart. And this feeling that he is punishing me just makes me angry at Him, which further distances me and Him. My parents would say these bad things are a reflection of me not living in God’s plan (their view of his plan is me being straight, going to church regularly) but I can’t pretend to be straight anymore!! I did it for too many years. I think not getting the job today has slightly pushed me over the edge of feeling this way, and I don’t know what I am even looking for in writing this post… But I needed to air these thoughts frustrations to people who can possibly understand where I am coming from and who wont tell me that maybe God is punishing me just to make me “straight”.

Joined in 2008
June 6, 2013, 18:04

Hi Tammi

Welcome to freedom2b and thankyou for sharing with us 🙂 I'm sorry to hear you are having a tough time.

It's probably more common than you realise that people might think God is punishing them and its not because your gay! I remember when I was in church that when things were bad (financially, health,work,spiritual) that I sometimes felt like that 🙁 if I prayed more, tried harder, gave more etc but sometimes it's just life! People who are gay and straight Christians can face this stuff. Please be kind to yourself, I don't want to sound like a cliche but it will get better 🙂

Do you have some supports?

Warm regards


Joined in 2013
June 6, 2013, 18:04

Hi Tammi_28, I’m sorry to hear you feel that way.

I don’t think God is punishing me for being gay at all. Though, I did think so for a very long time, and it made life difficult. I think God accepts all of us; I know he loves all of us. Which means he loves you too. I think it’s pretty understandable to have these feelings though, especially with having a bad (perhaps AWFUL?) couple of years. You may feel God is punishing you for being gay if part of you believes that being gay is wrong – which is such a complicated issue for each individual to resolve for themselves. Everything is made more difficult if you don’t have the support of others. But, that’s what this site is all about. It’s a safe place where you can talk to others about being gay and Christian, and your journey of figuring out how it all fits together for you. When you get to know other gay Christians who are truly blessed, your doubts about God’s acceptance of gay people would likely dissolve. It wasn’t until I found this website, and read all of the amazing stories, that I realised it’s okay. Learn more about other gay Christians, pray for guidance, and you may be able to resolve this issue of your faith and sexuality.Talk to others, and you’ll get the support and encouragement to help you keep going through this tough time.

Hope all goes well!


Joined in 2009
June 7, 2013, 20:18

I don't think God punishes anyone for anything (at least not the God of the new covenant). I do believe that we often punish ourslevses, or we allow others to punish us by ginvg them power. I also believe there are natural laws of cause and effect, ie: if I sit in the middle of a busy road something bad will happen. I take great comforrt in the words of the Lord Jesue: "God causes it to rain on the just and unjust, and the sin to sun on good people and bad."

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
June 7, 2013, 21:41

Hi Tammi

Welcome from me too. 🙂

It can be a very human experience to feel as if we are being punished when things are not going well. But bad things happen to good people as well, so the idea of bad things happening to bad people as a punishment doesn't follow in this case unless you believe that God is perhaps testing the good ones rather than punishing them.

I think it's our way to make sense of trying times, our attempt to rationalise what can't be rationalised.

I can relate with your experience that sometimes it takes a while for head knowledge to become reality in the heart. You will get there in time.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2005
June 9, 2013, 09:14

Hi Tammi

This is an answer that every body needs to seek and answer for them thelves.

This isnt a biblical area Im a great expert on – so there are likely to be rough edges in my answer below (and anyone else feel free to comment, correct or add)

For many people – the doctrine of a personal saviour who answers individual prayers – opens up a number of logical and biblical textual issues – that people need to work through.

This doctrine is – in historical terms are relatively modern doctrine (1800's) arising from the waves of evangelism that swept the USA (also giving rise to the mormons, seventh day adventists and so on) Its interestind to read – especially scholarly history works that will question what happened and the legacy. ITs called the Second Great Awakening. (It also led to the popularity of Millenialism which has left many churches with the doctrine that the end times are close – although Many christian scholars are not enamoured with thus school of thought)

Before then – God saved us, and you prayed to him for guidance and strength and comfort – but there was less focus on Praying for a new job or helping me with my exams and those kind of "I WANT" prayers. I suspect it started with the "SAve me from my sins and temptation prayers – but now its just become – I want"

Theres a flipside to this. God does send judgement onto people in the bible – but its frequently lethal – their sins were so bad – they were just destroyed.

However – we LIKE and anthrocentric universe. It feels more comfortable that everything happens because of us – and with the advent of a personal saviour came the doctrine of personal judgement. (In fact many of the evangelists that swept the USA at this time – WERE of the Hellfire and Brimstone variety)

The book of Job though teaches us a lot. A righteous man – upon whom terrible catastrophe's fall – and not as judgement. One could argue as a test.

Jesus says do not Judge others and he says that three times – in three different ways – a common teaching technique at the time – to highlight very important point. This was a Direct Command from God. Its JUST as binding as the 10 commandments (which were – after all just given once and are part of the Old !)

So when someone says to you – " My parents would say these bad things are a reflection of me not living in God’s plan (their view of his plan is me being straight, going to church regularly) " They have Judged you and in direct contradiction to the command of Jesus. (Although Jesus does command us to not Judge others – there are some more commandments there – they are – Those who do not help the poor, the sick, the needy, the homeless and those in prison – Jesus tells us that they will burn in eternal fire)

IF they arent doing those two things (not judging and helping the poor, sick and needy) then they are directly breaking commandments – ORDERS – that Jesus gave us.

There is the old story of footsteps on the sand – and when you look back – at the hard times in your life you only see one set of footsteps – and when you ask Jesus where were you at those dark times and he said – I was carrying you….

Its a sweet story and its help me at times thought dark and difficult periods.

I dont want to offend anyone here – but there is a modern school of thought in some churches that teach God wants you to be rich and healthy etc. This again is quite modern philosophy (and I commend a thorough study of history – church and secular to temper this with a lot of facts).

The early christians were often thrown in the Lions – and eaten alive for entertainment of the masses. ( e.g. A disastrous fire destroyed much of Rome in the year A. D. 64. Somehow, a rumor started circulating that Nero himself started the fire in order to rebuild the city. It was well-known that Nero considered much of Rome ugly and squalid. Whether or not he had any part in setting the fire is still being debated to this day, but the rumors started to spread and might become a threat to Nero's reign and life if left unchecked. He therefore decided to blame the antisocial and subversive Christians for starting the fire. after all, didn't they hold worship services underground in the city tombs known as catacombs? To make sure he was believed in accusing the Christians of setting the fire, he had many of them killed. Some were crucified in the arena, others thrown to wild animals, and still others were burned alive as living torches to light Nero's garden at his Golden House. St. Peter died during the Neronian persecutions.)

These christians (and many others throughout history) were not burned alive as Judgement for their sins Job tells us that good people can be tested also ….. Some have even prayed to be martyrs for Christ

Some of the best christians I know have / had terrible health issues. (Hellen Keller being a good well known example)

I (personally) cant push the line that God will fix all your problems and everything will be OK because I dont think such a belief is biblical

On of my best friends was crippled at a young age. Live far longer than the doctors ever thought ( into middle age ) but couldnt walk, had difficulty using his arms. Had trouble breathing. And yet his christian faith was strong and he was often ring me up and say – X needs help – lets help them. God never healed him or took away his pain but he was a fantastic christian – and when he died (not so long ago) the church was full overflowing….. and from people from amazing walks of life that he had touched. Was that Gods plan for him to be like that ? Was that just random result from the Original Sin ? These are Big theological debates and I dont know the answer – BUT I know he had peace and unquestionably he left the world a better place than how he found it so he took what he had and used it well.

However there are a few things I can leave you with that I hope will help

1) Many great christians in History went through quite dark times. Struggles with themselves and the problems of the world. They often later see that as testing or as needed to form strength or character or some other positive.

2) I would recommend looking for an accepting church. Having support can be very helpful at these times and for those of us from a church background – seem to be particularly vulnerable to the loss of community. There are lists of accepting churches on the website ( ) and you can also post a question for your area. If you cant find a church – look for some other social group – that will give you support and company.

Hope this helps a bit (sorry its long)

Joined in 2012
June 9, 2013, 10:35

Thank you everyone for your responses, they have been very encouraging and helpful to make me look at these struggles from another angle 🙂

I think when I wrote this I was just having a bad day and it bought forward a lot of issues i thought I had worked through… But I guess they need some more work. It is hard for me to break through the views that I was raised with. It is a bit odd because before i was out I could fight for the gay rights of my friends and challenge Christians on their views of homosexuality being a sin really well. But I think when it comes to me personally I find it harder. So these views that I grew up with are still something that I have to work through.

I have support Michelle, I have some very supportive friends and come along to the melbourne meetings when I can, but irronically I haven't been able to make the last couple so maybe that's why i have been feeling low.

And thank you shadow boxer for reminding me of the Footprints poem… its one of my favourites and I even have a tattoo of footprints to remind me of this. lol. I guess it doesn't always do the job of reminding me.

I do want to try to get connected to a church again so will look at the list of affirming churches.

Again thank you all for your responses they were just what I needed. 🙂


Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
June 9, 2013, 15:42

Hi Tamara,

A big welcome from me also. As a straight supporter and mother of a gay son, I have to say straight people can feel as if God is punishing them too. So I don't think being gay has anything to do with it, I think it's more of a reflection of how we feel about ourselves and then project that onto God and other's. I think when things aren't going our way we need to find a reason for it and that often means we blame ourselves in some way when in reality that can unfortunately just be life. As far as finding a new job is concerned it's tough out there for anyone not employed, work is now hard to get. There are a lot of people being laid off, business folding up, eg Ford in Geelong, through no fault of the employees or the people looking for work. When I was younger and was looking for a job I remember walking the streets everyday, calling into business looking for a job. Fronting up at the CES as it was called back then everyday and asking if there was any work. It can be very discouraging and heartbreaking, Knocks your self esteem for a six. Take heart and know that it is not you, it's the times we live in, Many very qualified people are out there looking for work and unfortunately competing for the same job you are.

Tell yourself everyday you are worthy, you deserve that job. Confidence, can get you through a lot when it comes to looking for a job. Keep being persistent, you will get a new job 🙂

Joined in 2013
June 12, 2013, 23:27

There is little here that hasn't already been said by others, and phrased far better than I could have ever possibly put it.

The notion that God punishes people with misfortune for their sins (even assuming homosexuality is not sinful) needs to be tempered with the understanding that God is loving and would want you to become a better person and learn good things. God would not inflict a punishment that disadvantages you to the point that you never get the opportunity to become a better person.

A loving parent would punish a child who is being naughty by confiscating a toy, for example, but not beat him to the point that he is so mentally and physically broken that he cannot attend school.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
June 23, 2013, 11:53

Well said Dragunov.


Ann Maree

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