
Jannah's story 28 (in a month) out bisexual woman

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Joined in 2006
December 24, 2006, 11:59

unbelievable……what makes people think they are judge and jury…gee that kind of thinking is so archaic. u r right Rob, we need to love our accusers and pray for them. Martin luther King Jnr had it right, respond in love and protest peacefully. If you ever get a chance to read his biography do, its inspiring……Magsdee

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
December 24, 2006, 12:58

I’ve been wanting to read about Maritn Luther King as i think he is a great mentor for us all but there are so many books telling his story……is there one you can recommend.

Joined in 2006
December 24, 2006, 13:13

Well, the book i read that spoke of him was “soul survivor” by phillip yancey, in the bibliography he does mention which biography he used but i havent the book with me to be able to tell you. yanceys book has heaps of people in there and some great short stories about them, i highly recommend this one, actually i highly recommend anything by yancey.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
December 24, 2006, 13:34

I read ‘whats so amazing about grace’ …….and enjoyed it. especially the part where he talks about the churches attitude towards G&L’s

Joined in 2006
December 24, 2006, 13:36

yes..that part certainly got my attention too.

Joined in 2005
December 24, 2006, 16:17

yes no thats not me… sorry im a sydney-ite. But, reading this makes me grieve for the ppl involved. How dare someone else make that call and step a pastor down… geez louise…

My partner’s father is a pentecostal pastor and he considered stepping down as a pastor to try and sort his daughter, her sexuality and her life out…

I get mad when i see christians making calls that God wouldnt. God gave us freedom to make choices, both good and bad, and God gave our children freedom to choose for themselves. How sad that people think they know better than God and make decisions God wouldnt

Joined in 2007
September 12, 2007, 12:17

That was a very well illustrated story frogger, I understand where you are coming from, to a certain degree. I have never really had a true girlfriend, but now I feel as if I need a relationship. To move on and enjoy life. I am actully seeing someone at Acon for understanding and help now.

I failed my A.O.G. church, and now I am trying to fit into the tree of the uniting church umberella.

So that is life, move on now

Thankyou from Matt. ❗

God Bless.

Joined in 2005
September 12, 2007, 12:23

hey matt thanks for your response to my story…. The one thing that really stood out to me was this sense of failing your church. I dont believe you failed them at alll… i think they failed you… Im sorry that your church hurt you in such a way. It doesn’t take it away. Dont choose to feel a failure allow yourself time to be a victim. Taking responsibility for something that is not your fault will only lead to you not being able to trully deal with it and move on in your own life.

Hey we at MCC have a charismatic service (sorta pentecostal) if you would ever like to go its on the 3rd sunday of the month. You can view details at The church is in Petersham. We’d love to have you come along. There are many AOGer’s in our midst. Its a relaxed atmosphere.

Thank you for sharing yourself with me. I think seeing someone at ACON is a really positive step also… good on you

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
September 12, 2007, 15:42

Hey Matt……my heart also went out to you when i read that you feel you failed your AOG church. I know that feeling well. I’m not sure if you know my story…but I felt i’d failed the entire denomination, my wife, family and friends. That stayed with me for about 6 years……I had no one to talk to about it though…..i was so ashamed. That of course no longer exists for me.

we have guys and girls who have been tthrough what you’ve experience who get together once a month…….and its not unusual for people to process that stuff within a matter of months …..just connecting and being able to talk with others who understand. I’m glad you are getting help at ACON…….maybe joining us at Freedom 2 b[e] will add to whats happening and possibly speed up the process for you.

Did you know we meet once a month in the ACON building?

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