
Lesbian Christian but Does God really accept me?

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Joined in 2007
June 23, 2010, 22:47

Hi kachezva

You both will be in my prayers. May God guide you both every step of the way and may His peace be within you and surrounding you and yours as you travel on this journey.

Can I add that I have 3 beautiful children who have grown up and flourished in my lesbian relationships. They have known love, and acceptance and they are proud of me and my life. Despite breaking up with my first lesbian partner she has remained in my daughters’ lives as a second mum and my daughters are well adjusted and happy. None of my children have been adversely affected by having a lesbian mother, and my two grown up children accept, love and have defended me on a rare occasion. I think it is seen as a bit ‘cool’ to have a lesbian mother.

We live as a normal family, doing normal things, loving and caring for each other in honesty and truth. Many people say my home feels like a refuge. The world is changing. I have many teenage girls coming to me for counselling who are openly embracing lesbian lifestyles in their teenage years. The tide is finally turning. I do not fear judgement in the community only sometimes in the church. I have as many straight friends as I have gay and lesbian friends. I have intersex and transexual friends. We have people of every colour and creed coming into our home and my office who are received with grace and acceptance. My children are young people with hearts of grace and awareness. They accept everyone whose hearts are kind and we pray for those whose hearts are wounded and broken.

Take courage from the God of love



Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
June 23, 2010, 23:12

Awww…. you’re lovely, T. No wonder you’re special to Andrea and vice versa. 🙂

kachezva, I urge you to look at the vimeo of Kathy Baldock in ‘our hetero friends and family’ section of the site. She’s the straight, Christian friend of avb’s who advocates for our community. I was really moved by the love that is so evident in her. And when you feel that love, nothing else matters.

I pray that you and your partner experience that love so powerfully that it melts away any fears and doubts.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2010
July 9, 2010, 01:29

thanks so much to everyone who told parts of their stories, gave insight, wisdom and encouragement….all of the replies to kachesva have been really helpful to me as i journey a similar journey in my heart……i love love love this site…thankyou to everyone who contributes and tells their beautiful and sometimes very sad stories and thanks to all who help maintain and run the site 🙂

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