
Low Self Esteem to positive self image

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Joined in 2010
September 13, 2010, 23:41


Went to my fellowship group in Melbourne, my heart went out to this young man in my group, who wanted to be white but was a person of “colour” and still struggles with this at times ,we were and are still praying so hard that he continues to grow and develop positive self image. I personally am still in this phase but progressing a lot quickly I am surrounded by beautiful people from all walks of life, I dont need really soap and scrub my skin so hard that it will turn white. In fact I empowered this guy that a lot of people would like to develop a “tan” naturally, my point is is that after 28 years I am starting to feel comfortable in my own skin.

I believe people shouldn’t be ashamed of the colour of their own skin or made to feel like a second class citizen. Keep in prayers Joven in my small group here in melbourne


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