Ive always been a bit sanguine about Gay marriage thinking it was really an issue for the churches more than the government but recently I have a big discussion with a friend of mine with two children who is considering moving overseas because he cant get married to his partner. What this means is that should he die or be incapacited, his partner does NOT get parental rights over his children and there is nothing he can do about it because those rights are given under the MARRIAGE act. This is a BIG issue for my friend.
So for those of us in that situation, and for those of us who may be in that situation in one day, Ive change my opinion on this matter so I thought I would post this information I got from PFAG.
Also – what are your thoughts on the matter ?
Dear Supporter of Marriage Equality,
The Senate has launched an inquiry into marriage equality in response to the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2009 moved last week by Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young.
It is extremely important that the Senate Committee receive as many submissions in favour of marriage equality as possible because our opponents are already mustering their support base.
Whether you’re gay or straight we urge you to send in your own personal thoughts and experiences regarding marriage equality.
For example, tell the Senate Committee what it feels like for you, your family member or friends to be denied the right to marry.
To make it easier, we have established a web-based submission page: http://www.australianmarriageequality.com/senatesubmission.htm
The page provides hints on how to make a submission, an easy-to-use online submission form, and suggestions of what you might say.
The Senate also has a webpage through which you can make submissions: http://www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/legcon_ctte/marriage_equality/index.htm
No deadline has yet been set for submissions, but it may be as soon as the end of July, so please don’t delay!
If you don’t have time to send your own submission, you can support AME’s submission by telling the Committee: “I wish to indicate that I fully support the submission from Australian Marriage Equality to the inquiry into the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2009”. Just cut and paste these words into our online form.
We will be in touch again soon.
Best wishes,
Peter Furness
National Convener
Australian Marriage Equality