
My dad came out when I was 15

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Joined in 2010
December 6, 2010, 14:09

So many stories of freedom 2 be have touched my life. As I don’t have an evangelical or pentecostal background, before reading Anthony’s Life of Unlearning and finding F2B through my dad, I had never really heard so many heartbreaking and inspiring stories to do with Christianity and homosexuality.

Since as far back as I can remember I knew my dad was gay. I didn’t have a word for it for a long time and he never told me or gave out clear hints. I have been asked before why I didn’t think it was because of another woman that led to my parents divorce. I can only say I just knew.

My dad and also my mum seemed unhappy much of my childhood. They loved my brothers and me and we were all close to each other but there was always a distance I felt coming from my dad. Perhaps unconsciously through all those childhood years when the word gay wasn’t even in my vocabulary I spent time thinking why I felt this distance with my dad even though we were close to each other, and over the years like pieces of a puzzle I figured it out.

I do have a Christian background. Not an entirely good one either, though I have let most of that go. Religion and faith still trouble me. My dad attends church every week and is involved in the church but he isn’t out to anyone there. He isn’t out at work, his parents never knew and although he has accepted himself as he is and believes God loves him as he is, my dad is unwilling to be in a relationship. It upsets me because I want him to be happy and not alone and I also want him to be accepted by others as he is.

It has been more than 10 years since my family felt such incredible pain when my parents broke up. My dad couldn’t live a lie any longer, though he loved my mum so much.

I have sometimes thought how different things could have been. At times these thoughts feel like a punch in the gut. If my dad had lived true to himself then my brothers and me wouldn’t exist. Would half my genes, the one’s from my mum, be out there on somebody else? Some other person who half looks like me? Would my mum then not have gone through a divorce? Would she still be with the man she wanted to spend her life with? Would she have felt more like the woman she was meant to be and have that man that she always wanted from the start?

My dad grew up in the country where gays did not ‘exist’ at the time. The church was always important in his life. To him and those around him Christianity and homosexuality did not go together. I realise this played a huge part in my dad wanting to be like everyone else and living in such heavy denial. What if he had lived true to himself, perhaps moved to the city and met other men? Would he have found the one for him? Might he have lived with AIDS? Maybe he and a partner could have had children like he always wanted, maybe with a friend or lesbian couple.

Big ifs and that’s why I don’t bring them to the forefront of my mind very often.

I have a friend who once said to me that she thinks same-sex attracted people should change, if they can, so that then they could get married and have children. This dear friend already knew of the reasons my family broke up and of my dad. Once not long after my dad came out I was talking to a young man who said to me he was gay but didn’t really want to be. I think I made him promise to never lie and to never marry a woman.

I love my dad. The gay thing never bothered me like it may have others. I never had a chance to think being gay was wrong. I never encountered any preaching against homosexuality. The gay people I had ever heard of were always lovely people. If I still have any pain over my family breaking up because of my dad it is that of what we all had to go through. What was so needless and so helpless.

Joined in 2010
December 6, 2010, 16:04

Hi Annabelle.

Thank you for sharing your story. Your dad is a very lucky man to have a daughter that is proud of him for just who he is and accepts and loves him just for him. You have drawn alot of insight and I can see you have put alot of thought into this. I understand where you are coming from with your story and there are absolutely alot of wonderful people here to meet. It is a very good support network. Your father may or may not come to have a relationship in his own time. Speaking from my own experience… I am not in a relationship at the moment because I am figuring out where I stand with being a a lesbian and walking with God.

So many things are new and I am exploring. Although I came out when I was 18 and am now 31, I have not always walked with God and I guess I am trying to break down the barriers of being gay and walking with God. By that I mean what I have been taught about being gay and christian. I have put walls up for so many reasons and now am trying to break those walls down. Anyway, you are a great support for your dad and I am sure he appreaciates you so very much.

Oh and wlecome to freedom 2 be 🙂


Joined in 2010
December 6, 2010, 17:00

Hi Lee,

Thank you for the warm welcome. It means a lot to my dad to know there are other people who have had similar experiences to him over their sexuality and faith. For so much of his life he felt alone and in silence. It is also wonderful that I have been able to share my story here.

Freedom 2 be is a wonderful group.


Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
December 6, 2010, 20:00

Hi Annabelle

Welcome to f2b!

I second what Lee has expressed. How great that you have always accepted your dad. Thanks for sharing your story. Has your father visited our site?


Ann Maree

Joined in 2010
December 6, 2010, 20:33

My dad has visited the site. A couple of months ago we both went along to Melbourne freedom 2 be for the first time. It was a nice time and lovely to hear Matt Glover tell his story there.

It has been quite a journey for my dad and I. For a few years we barely had much to do with each other. Sadly when my family broke up we moved away and left Dad behind. There was a time when I didn’t know if we would ever be close again as we both distanced ourselves so much from each other. We came around though. After he moved closer to us he and I made an effort to have these movie nights where we would eat pizza, popcorn or ice cream and chocolate and have some fun. After a while we braved enough to begin sharing some of our hurt and both have helped the other heal. I’m so blessed to have the dad that I do.


Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
December 6, 2010, 21:33

hey annabelle……this is so cool for you to post……and to have you share things from a child of a gay parents perspective. You may not realise at this stage but having your story will mean it is found and google…..and other kids whose Mums and Dads who have come out will read your positivity.

You you read the story of the Mum who has a gay son in the heterosexual friends and family section.

it is this new way of responding that will encourage others to respond appropriately.

its not an easy journey as we all know…….but I know we can do it better.

thanks for playing your part.

Joined in 2010
December 6, 2010, 21:42

🙂 Hi Anthony

Just told Annabelle where she can find my story. Isn’t this fantastic that kids are also posting their stories about their parents. Hopefully more will respond so positively. Yeaah

Joined in 2010
December 6, 2010, 21:59

Great to see you post here Annabelle – hope you and Dad are going well!


Joined in 2007
December 7, 2010, 03:17

Welcome, Annabelle.

So great to read your story and how you have worked through the pain with your dad and both of you have found some healing through doing that.


Joined in 2010
December 7, 2010, 15:11

Thanks everyone.

My brothers and I were fortunate to not have experienced any negativity from church when our dad came out. Our family had already stopped attending many years before. I do think that we would have benefited from the church’s support though. Unfortunately it seems if that had been the case we may have even experienced more hurt from intolerance. I can’t imagine what it must be like for some families.

It is great to be able to share my story here. I hope it gives some encouragement to anyone who happens by it.


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