
My Intersex Reality

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Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
August 5, 2012, 16:31

Hi Everyone

Here's an important and well written article that a friend recently brought to my attention about Intersex issues.

When we think we have it tough struggling with sexuality and spirituality issues because of our sexual orientations, imagine what it would be like to be intersex. I urge you all to read this article. It gives powerful insights into the subjective world for those who are intersex and have endured traumatising, dehumanising and confusing medical experiences. And all this as small children when parents and medical staff didn't know any better.

My thanks and immense admiration go to Andie and others featured in the article who have shared so generously of themselves in the hope of changing things for the better.


Ann Maree

Chapter Leader
Joined in 2008
August 5, 2012, 23:04

Thanks, Ann Maree. We have an Intersex expert speaking at the next Sydney Chapter meeting. Should be interesting. Details will be posted shortly in the Events section.

Youth Coordinator
Joined in 2008
August 6, 2012, 11:28

Thanks for posting this Ann Maree.

What a fascinating story and I am inspired by Andie's courage and faith. I cannot wait for the day when sex and gender diverse people are finally treated as equal.

I will share the article on the f2b facebook page.

Ben 🙂

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
August 6, 2012, 19:04

Hi forestgrey

That's great that you're having a speaker on that subject at your meeting. I'll be interested to know how that goes.

Ben, thanks for your comment. Yes I was really impressed by the article and the courage of Andie and others like her to use what they've been through and advocate for others. Amazing stuff. 🙂 And thanks for posting on face book. Great idea. I'll do that too.


Ann Maree

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